42 thoughts on “Come join in the fun!

  1. I think the fascinating sedimentary rocks because they could be shaped by ice,gravity,water,and wind and that’s why I like them.

  2. I like the metormorphic rock because it can be built by different rocks like a igneous rock or a sedimentry rock.

  3. I think the most fascinating rock is the sedimentary rock because I think that it is cool that little bits of rocks get combined together by the waves and the pressure.

  4. I think sedimentary rocks are fascinating
    because the layers are different from each other.I would like to go to the Grand Canyon and see the sedimentary rocks.

  5. My fascinating rock is sedimentary rock because the rock is in layers in different colors. For example brown,light brown, and yellow brown.

  6. The rock that is most fascinating is metamorphic rock because it’s buried inside earth and it can change different rocks by the heat pressure. Those rocks are squeezed,folded,and baked. It has contact with hot fluids and it can also cause rocks to change. Those changed rocks are metamorphic rocks. Metamorphic rocks can form igneous or other metamorphic rocks.

  7. The rock that is fasinating to me is the sedimentary rocks.I like thoses ones because the amazing layers on them.That makes me want to learn about it more.Also I am going to see one of the huge sedimentary rocks like the Grand Canyon when I am old enough.

  8. Metamorphic Rock
    My fascinating rock is metamorphic rock.
    I like it because they make sculptures and monuments and they make marbles. Another thing is that the marbles get polished and those marbles are my favorite.

  9. I think the most fascinating rock is the sedimentary rock. I think it is fascinating because one of the sedimentary rocks is called the organic rock,it does not have any chemicals.This is why I think it is the greatest!

  10. Sedimentary Rocks are fasinating to me because
    they can be moved by wind, water,ice,or gravity.Sedimentary Rocks are also fasinating rocks made from layers from the
    sediments .

  11. I am fascinated by the metamorphic rock.I like that rock because, I like rocks that change all the time.It is fun to learn new things from someone or, something.Rocks that are in Earth,can change into different rocks.That is why I am fascinated with a metamorphic rock.

  12. I think that sedimentary rocks what I am interested because it looks different than other rocks.

  13. I think the metamorphic rock is more fascinating becauce you can shape it in different ways. So you can make it in to so much stuff that are cool. You can make it in to a tile or something else out of it and this is why I like it.

  14. This is my opinion.The metamorphic rock is fascinating because it change all the time.And it builds up by different rocks like igneous rock or sedimentary rock.

  15. I think that a metamorphic rock is the most fascinating type of rock.I think it is fascinating because it can change.

  16. Lisvet I think you made a great choice about the sedimentary rocks. I think that is the most fasinating rock.

  17. I think you made an amazing choice but for my opinion for the rocks I think that the sedimentary rock is the best.

  18. When I experienced magnets was when I was 3 years old.I was so curious why and how magnets stick together.Also my brother told me that some magnets were mades out of iron.

  19. I have touched a magnet before and they were heavy like a metal and I heard something inside,once I threw it up it went together.

  20. My experience with magnets is the time when I had two circle magnets. I tried to get them together but they wouldn’t stick.But when I turned one of the magnets around they would stick like magic!

  21. What I want to learn about magnets are why do they connect and how ? I want to also learn what are magnets made of?

  22. I once played with magnets. Magnets can come in many shapes and sizes. The magnet I have is an oval shaped one. Whats yours?

  23. I think magnets are fun to play with. Like once I threw a magnet at another magnet and it stuck together.But once I tried to stick anothe to a north and it didn’t want to stick why is that?I think it might stick if it is a north and a south because they are oppisites.

  24. I experienced magnets a few times at my grandma’s house she has two circle magnets. When I tried to put them together they bounced back and when I turned one of the circles around they sticked together.

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