End of Week 2; Beginning of Week 3 (back posting from e-mail)

Week 2 ofSubject: Week 3 Information 🙂

Dear Parents,

Week 2 of Distance Learning is completed and I am continuing to work on improving our instruction and independent practice :).

Some things to know:

• Students will need small objects to use for arrays tomorrow (about 24 objects)

– Some examples to use are: beans, coins, cereal, paper clips, etc.

• Monday Early Out: 11:05 am Zoom meeting ends; but

– students work until 1:40 pm independently without my presence;

– the teacher (me) is in meetings, etc.

• Grades have been entered into Synergy.

– They can be checked in ParentVue and StudentVue

– Some students need to redo assignments for a better grade

– I encourage students to redo assignments for a better grade

• 3rd Grade Respect Character Awards are Thursday, 08/20, from 2:40 pm to 3:00 pm

– Anaya, A’Nayah, and Theon will be recognized

– All students are invited to attend via a Zoom meeting link that will be posted to Google Classroom Stream on Thursday

• Math Chapter 3 test is scheduled for Friday, 08/21

• I will be administering Diagnostic/BOY (Beginning of the Year) assessments next week

– The assessments are not for a grade, they are for me to determine instruction and small group instruction

– It is important that parents do NOT help their child so that I can accurately plan for their small group instruction

– Some will be whole class and others will be individual

• PE with Mr. Cross is on Thursdays from 1:00 pm – 1:20 pm (½ class) and 1:20 pm – 1:40 am (next ½ of class)

• For those students who weren’t able to pick up the agenda/planner:

– it is available for pick up in the office

– I have added “Agenda/Planner” assignments to the Google Classroom to refer to

• Scholastic Books Orders due on Friday, 08/21

– Shop the flyers with your child: https://editions.mydigitalpublication.com/publication/?i=667328

– Connect to Our Class Page: https://orders.scholastic.com/HZPJV

• Computers in Mr. Stringer’s Google Classroom: Students will going to Mr. Stinger’s Google Classroom for computer lessons. This next week, they should be practicing keyboard skills by utilizing the home row. Distance Learning is completed and I am continuing to work on improving our instruction and independent practice :).