Well,.. it had to take a pandemic + national emergency to get me think about how to use anything and everything ONLINE to continue to teach my students. Stay tuned because I will DEFINITELY use this blog to post 1) videos 2) handouts/worksheets 3) resources to guide my students back on track! Hold on tight, we’re in for quite a ride!
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HWAS Tues. 05/09/11
Spelling – #11-20 Meaningful Sentences
Math – HWPB 12-6 #1-10 Fractions in simplest form
Reading – Read 292- 295 Loyalist and Patriots. List differences between the two.
Script for Computer/Explorer Project
HWAS Tues. 04/06/10
Spelling – 2nd half, Meaningful sentences
Reading – Sticky Notes on pgs. 433 – 435
Math – HWPB #1 – 12 Show work on binder paper
Science – Finish ditto on protons, neutrons, and electrons
Notes for Math:
Math Homework
Four more days…
I am as excited as you! I’m looking forward to my celebratory lunch at FUJI Sushi. Spending time with my wife and two girls is something I ALWAYS look forward to. I’m also planning on… planning for our class!
We have the SEVAs in May. Our Open House is also coming up! There is much to look forward to : )
Thank You Mrs. Stoppelmann,
We’ll Miss You…
…Emily! Good luck at your new school and keep in touch!
StarBase Day Two – Principles of Air & Flight (Videos)
StarBase Day One – Atoms, Molecules, States of Matter (Videos)
StarBase Day One – Atoms, Molecules, States of Matter (Pictures)
Gabby is “electrifying!”
Mystery object in Jazmine’s hand…
Liquid state of matter…
Greg got a new nose ring made of two atoms of hydrogen.
Be careful handling atoms. You might poke someone in the eye!
Hmmmm… Have to follow the rules!
Litzy = Hydrogen, Daniel = Oxygen, Diana = Hydrogen
Together they form H2O (water).