About Mr. Alfonso

First of all, your health and safety is my first concern. You come first. Your family comes first.

I want you to be healthy, safe, and happy. I am thinking of you. I want you to succeed and make progress in these challenging times.

Distance Learning.


This is BRAND NEW territory for EVERYBODY!

Please be patient as we all learn how to do this effectively. Being in the classroom from 8 to 2:30 does not transition to being ONLINE from 8 to 2:30. Learning will be very different! BUT it’ll be good! So hang in there as we figure this out together.

I am just glad that I’m still your teacher and that you are my student(s)!

Keep healthy, keep safe!

Mr. Alfonso



I’m 47 with a wonderful wife, who teaches piano, and four daughters (Maddie – 14 and Jenna – 13, Lizzy – 6, Mia – 4). I love what I get to do.


This was the spot fifteen years ago that I realized that I wanted to become a teacher. Sculpture Garden, UCLA. It’s actually an interesting story!


One thought on “About Mr. Alfonso

  1. Hello Mr.Alfonso how are you and how is your new class? Over here in Oklahoma is good but i still miss David Reese. I heard from my brother that David Reese have a new principal. Is it true? I really miss your class and all the others. I still have most or all of the notes that i took in your class and I am still using them too. I would really like it if you write back to me. I also wanted to ask if you saw the little paper that was with the letter that I worte on the last day of school. See ya Mr.Alfonso and hope that you write back!
    From your previous student,
    Cheemeng Xiong