The Perfect Gift (or Not-So-Perfect Gift)

Describe a memorable to time when you opened a gift. If it was the best gift ever or the worst, use sentence variety, the five senses, similies, onomatopoieas, adjectives, and adverbs to write a 9-10 sentence paragraph.

15 thoughts on “The Perfect Gift (or Not-So-Perfect Gift)

  1. It as Christmas,and I got a PSP.I was so happy.Joyfully,I started to play my PSP.The PSP felt so smooth.I was discombobulated about the game because I didn’t know how to play yhe game.My sister taught me how to play the game.Surprizeingly,my sister was so good at playing video games.

  2. When it was christmas I open my present and it was a camera. Quietly, I took a picture of my sister and her husband. Ouickly, my brother try to open his but my sister told him that Mee is still opening her present. Slowly opening my present I heard my brother talking on the phone. The next thing I got was a shirt it was as pretty as a barbie. Opening my present,I aroma the popcorn. My sister was mad because I got a barbie doll.I saw my brother playing his Xbox 360. When my sister open her present she was mad because she got a hat only.

  3. Happily, when I open my present and my present is a Nintendo game. Surprising and staring at the game and I shouted “Yay”. Touching the game, it was very smooth and it warm. At night, it was dinner time, I smell the aroma of the hamburger and the BBQ. The taste of the BBQ was delicious and mouthwatering down my throat and it was tasty. After the dinner, I wash the dishes for my mom and I play game after I finish with the dishes.

  4. When opening a gift,I get all excited.One time my parent bought me and my sister to share.We didn’t know what it was,but i wanted to find out really BAD!I was touching the wrapping because I wanted to open it.It was the next day before Christmas,I was sidding down staring at it.I WANTED TO OPEN IT NOW!I could hardly wait.So I just decided to eat a peppermint candy cane and watch tv.The peppermint candy cane taste peppermint and smelled like peppermint.Finally I fell asleep.It was CHRISTMAS day.I ran out my room and straight to the present.I siad to myself”Please be a game.Please be a game”.When I open it,it was…. it was….. IT WAS A PS2.I opened it and pluged it in and played for 2 or 3 hours

  5. Last Christmas,I couldn’t wait to open my gift. When my family got to my house the livingroom was full of gifts. quietly, I was triying to sneak a present to my room. But my aunt was up there so she saw me. As I was going down I saw her wrapping a present it was a shoebox. But I went down so she won’t see me. At the time I was in the kitchen I could smell the aroma of the tamalees. I was so hungry so I ate. Finall at twelve we started opening our presents. I opened mine first it was an xbox 360 as soon as i took it out i played it.

  6. When I opened my presents last year I got an Ipod. My mom also bought me some clothes, I had gave my mom a big hug because I loved the gifts she gave me it was a speacial gift that all came from mom.Suddenly there was another present I opened it, but it wasn’t a gift it was a my little sister.When my mom made her home made soup it taste delicious, and it smelled delicious. When I had touched my food it was very hot that I heard it sizzling.

  7. When I touch it there was something in there.It smell like therewas a red cherry in there or something.I told my mom “what’s in here?”she said “just wait for chrismas.”I saw something rip I looked in there it look like there is a black intendoweed in there.I told my mom “I saw the present that I have.”She said “if you keep looking at your present I want buy you any present.”I saw a big present that look like a bike.I want to rip it but I can’t rip it.When it was christmas I rush to the tree and open my presents.

  8. The perfect gift would be a xbox because I all ways wanted one.I would buy my own games on the xbox.Then i told my friend that I was getting a xbox. So he said get and extract controller. So we good play together. So when I got the xbox my friend told my other friend.So when I got home with it I saw all my friends on my front door. They said didyou get the xbox. Then later my other friends came. Then later on my family and my cousin came over to play my xbox. So we played all night. And I played all moring.

  9. On the day of x-mas my mom open her present an she got a i-pod from me an she was so happy that she already downloading music. My dad jump up an ran strait to the kichen weir i was cooking breakfast an he cood smell the sause. Jumping,my sister susan was using the moon walk shoe she can fell the cold brezz. When my brother open his present he got a turtle an he put it with the other tutle an he was so happy that when he touch the shild of the turtle it was smooth. Happly, my sister open her present from Kenny she was so happy that she kept on touching the taddy bear because it was so soft. My mom gave me my present an i open it in a flash an i got a MP3 an plug it in an start to download muisic

  10. When I opened my present on Christmas I was so excited. I opened my present that my mom gave me. When I looked at it was a jacket so sparkling but I knew that was my present. Opening the present maked me giggle and full with laughter. When I looked it was 2 games and 1 red Nintendo D.S. I was so happy at Christmas. It was as a joy as a lovely flower.

  11. On christmas day we all sat down in our robes. I could smell the crisp Gingerbread cookies,ahh. I seen all the presents layed so perfectly straight on the carpet ground. We all had smiles on our faces and usaully my brother is frowning all the time, you turn around he is frowning. I smiled and almost started crying. I knew what the true meaning of christmas was. I waited until everybody sat down. My dad got the first present for me. I opened it, it was a huge toy castle that I could use. I jumped up and down thanking God For this, Because this was huge it probaly cost a lot of money! I could see the colored gold painting triming around it. I tcame with istonishing furniture and beautiful beds that turned into closets. I smiled with Joy, that toy is standing on my play desk.

  12. Happly I was opining my present whenI opend it it had a nother box I knew it would take longso I got a knif and made a hole in the box so I put my hand insid and opend it it was a nintendoWii and I stopped and went to sleep 2 hours later I wok up and played only for 5 min becaues I dont like videio games that much and ensted of picking buttons you can move .

  13. A geartest moment was when I was 4 or 5 years old I riped the raping paper aand the tape and got a PS2. I ran into my room and pluged it in so I can play my game Motercross Extrem Racing. I forgot about my other presents until Febuary 13, 2001 or 2002 . I had 26 presents they were clouthes and games and oher cool stuff.When I started to play my PS2 I was atached to it I forgot about eating lunch and breakfast and also forgot to sleep for 3 to 4 days. Then I played with my remot cuntral car that used real gas and went so fast that my brother couldn’t catch it at my dad house.

  14. Last christmas I got tons of present was a bike I was all like oh my gosh!My sister got gloves and a puffy jacket.I knew she didn’t like so much.When I went outside Iheard people saying hurray its christmas.I ask my mom whens dinner?She said not yet.When it was near night,we started eating. I smelled stuff turkey and eggnog.After we all ate my freinds and I went out to play.In my neighbor hood they sometimes put out fire work.Iheard and saw the fireworks go boom boom.I saw the fire works and it says merry christmas.I also heard more things like peole saying yay marry christmas.My mom said get in hear its getting late.My cousin went to my house and slept over.We had a guess room so she sleeped in there.My cousin snores loud.I kind of snore too.But I wasn’t asleep I was on the computer.Until it was midnight I went to bed.The end of my story.

  15. Last year for my birthday I got a nintendo D.S. and a Flushed Away game. Loudly I said,” This is the best gift mom and dad.” Seeing the coke my stomach started sounding like a lion. At the table I could smell the deliius cake just waiting to be eaten. I could hear Alex telling my dad if he could shove my face in the cake. I yelled at him saying ,”Don’t even think about it Alex!” To taste the cake made me feel happy because it was delious. when I touched my Nintendo D.S. it felt smooth and soft. Also when I turned it on it sounded like ,”tun,tun, tudun.” So that is a moment opening a gift.

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