8 thoughts on “$1000?

  1. I would give $500 to the poor.The money might be used to give the poor food.The other $500 will be given to David Reese.The money might be used for field trips.the money might be used for school suplpies.That is what I would do with my money to help others.

  2. Yes, I would use it to help. I would help my family because they help me alot. I want to give them what they need anything from me they could just ask me. I could use some money for my sisters because they always help me when I am in trouble. $300 will go to my parents cause they will help in the future when I get into college and have kids. The rest the money will go to David Reese because they taught me alot of stuff about myself.

  3. If I have $1000 to help people, I would use $500 to helps some kids in Vietnam. I want to help kids in Vietnam because some of them are poor and they don’t have money to go to school. I want them to to go to school and learn education. I have $500 left and I will give it to charity and help kids that don’t have home.

  4. If I had a $1000 I would help the homeless. I could buy them clothes and blankets, so they can keep warm. They could use the money to buy shoes, and food too. And with the other half of the money I could help some friends. I can help some friends buy supplies for a lemonade stand. And they could get more money. Thats how I would spend a $1000 dollars.

  5. I would give the 1,000 dollars to the homeless.500 will be for food and drinks for the homeless.The other 500 will be for clothes and blankets.People without nothing need it more than I do.

  6. I’d give some to any person I without a home. I might give some to charity. I’d give some to a friend, outside, my family who’s family dosen’t have enough money. I’d also use it to buy food for people without a home. That is what do with the money.

  7. Well, first I would donate a portion of money to chairty. Then I would send some money to kids who have worms in side of them. So, kids can receive a pill to help out the parisites inside of the kids. Also I would send some money to shelter to help expand their shelters. And last but not lease I would send some money to kids who starve and do not have appreal and shoes.


  8. If I help homeless people I would buy them clothes.And I would buy some food so they won’t be hungry.The man said “thankyou for your honest?” I said ‘you’ll wellcome.” I went to see if anymore need some help. I heard someone scream and I went over there. I saw the bad people try too steal their money and I gave my money to them so they wont steal there money anymore.He ride his bike slow as a cat so he can take his time.

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