Main Characters
Q – (Created by cheli) Fun one Great at combat and Katana/swords Hair: burgundy and white wavy neck length + small ponytail in the back No love life Genderfluid Pet- tiger eagle Bff: rintaro The grip:black and red — metal red Family:friends Real family killed off and abandoned her Character development- stops being sad and depressed all the time and begins to be happy
Crystal Haynes- Organizer Guns and bow and arrow Hair: long black braids or loose No pet Relationship: 3 bfs Bff: jen and dylan Has family in city Character development: stops trying to be right and accepts she can’t predict everything
Rocky Romero-(Created by Me) The tough one Good combat and all weapons Hair: regular black Relationship: dead gf. terressa Bff: shawn and mary and dylan and Geneviève(dead and first love before terressa) No family-killed by special monster Half sister in city Character development: grows from being mean and distant to friendlier and nicer but still tough
Jen Hunt- The planner Swords (not as good as q) Hair: long brunette Love life: multiple female partners Family: dead mother and father is king Bff: crystal and dylan Character development: a person who only wants one thing and is obsessed with it to someone who accepts the changes
Dylan Graves- The weak one Explosions Hair- dark average Love life- multiple partners Pet: dog armadillo Family- dead parents siblings inside city Bff- rocky, crystal, and jen Character development- goes from being afraid and weak to one of the strongest people out there
Rintaro Steele- The smart one Best at Combat and multiple weapons Hair- red hair average Love life- 2 different partners Family- parents and siblings inside city Bff- Q and jakalyn Character development- goes from being selfish and untrustworthy to trusting and selfless. He dies because he can’t see or hear rocky coming from his right side
Tony Morrison Hair: black Love life: 1 gf Family: dead parents 2 younger siblings Is poor Bff: dylan, crystal, and jen Dies: protecting his friends Character: a funny, geeky, positive, brave, kind, strong, smart person
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