Welcome to the EGUSD Digital Citizenship Website

All EGUSD schools teach digital citizenship and are in compliance with current legal mandates, such as the federal E-Rate/CIPA requirements.
As students step up and out onto the Internet, the district wants to ensure that they understand the need to think before they post – to treat others with respect, to build and maintain a positive digital footprint, to protect their online privacy and the privacy of others, and to respect intellectual property boundaries.
Digital Footprint
Protecting Online Privacy
Intellectual Property
Media Literacy
Social & Cultural Literacy
Social Emotional Learning

Social Media 101
Digital Citizenship in a Time of #RemoteLearning
With more people than ever spending time and communicating online due to the COVID-19 virus “stay at home/shelter in place” orders throughout the country, it is important to remember basic media literacy skills and digital citizenship/internet safety guidelines...
From Digital Citizenship Week to Media Literacy Week
Every October, we look forward to showcasing how EGUSD students are celebrating Digital Citizenship Week. This year, students at Joseph Kerr Middle School got a head start on #DigCitWeek with a guest speaker. Students from Roy Herburger Elementary School attended...
Digital Citizenship Week 2019 – So Many Possibilities…
Mark your calendars: Digital Citizenship Week 2019 is October 14-18. All of our EGUSD Digital Citizenship Site Coordinators have been busy submitting their site implementation plans for the 2019-2020 school year, and we are encouraged to see that there have been...