by webmaster | Sep 4, 2019 | Common Sense Media, Media Literacy
As students and staff settle into the school year, we thought we’d share some of the new resources we’ve gathered over the summer, from attending the ISTE 2019 (International Society for Technology Education) Conference, to Common Sense releasing their new...
by admin | Feb 26, 2019 | Common Sense Media
Two weeks ago, thanks to a referral from Common Sense, we received an email from Nicholas Mancall-Bitel, a freelance writer, working on an article for BBC Capital about the challenges of teaching Gen Z (ages 10-24) and Gen Alpha (ages 0-9) students. On the topic of...
by admin | Aug 28, 2018 | Common Sense Media, New School Year
As a district, EGUSD has long recognized the importance of teaching and modeling positive digital citizenship. Other districts have even reached out to us for guidance in implementing a K-12 program and working towards Common Sense District certification, which EGUSD...
by webmaster | Sep 18, 2017 | Common Sense Media, Google
We wanted to share a couple of noteworthy resources for the new school year. Common Sense Media has created a guide for all teachers: Digital Citizenship & Social and Emotional Learning. The guide contains a set of digital dilemmas that students may face at some...
by webmaster | May 25, 2017 | Common Sense Media, Social Media, Summer Break
As we wrap up the 2016-17 school year, we want to thank all EGUSD school sites for implementing digital citizenship through lessons, parent nights, assemblies and on campus initiatives. With students heading into summer vacation, their well being and safety remains a...
by admin | Sep 12, 2016 | Campaign, Common Sense Media, Screen Time
If you were watching the Olympics, you might already know about Common Sense Media’s #DeviceFreeDinner Campaign. During prime-time Olympic coverage, Common Sense Media launched a challenge to families to put away devices at the dinner table. Throughout the...