Hello Fifth-Grade Students!


Welcome to our classroom blog! In addition to class notes, lessons, video tutorials, and homework assignments, this blog will give you a platform for creating your own positive digital footprint!  Before any comment is posted, I must approve it for I am here to help you build that positive digital footprint! Approved comments/posts will reflect the following rules of our digital classroom:

  1. We will always use complete sentences.
  2. We will pay close attention to proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  3. We will use academic and specific vocabulary, and avoid vague, “dead words.”
  4. We will protect our online privacy, using only first names and nopersonal information.
  5. We will avoid plagiarism.
  6. We will be respectful of all others’ ideas.
  7. We will use classroom-suggested sentence frames when commenting on or critiquing a classmate’s post.

I am extremely excited about this modernization to our classroom, and I’m looking forward to hearing your digital voice!


10 thoughts on “Hello Fifth-Grade Students!

  1. Hi, Ms. Adams.
    I am Zoe’s commenter this week, and I tried to leave comments, but it doesn’t look like they appeared on her blog. Could you check on that?
    Mrs. Wohlafka

    • Thank you for the feedback! I have edited their pages and taught the students how to add discussion to their pages themselves. You should be able to comment now. 🙂

  2. Hello Ms Adams
    Your blog looks great and it’s been great having a look at what your class is posting. I can’t wait to get my year 8 class from New Zealand commenting on their posts once they get back from holiday.

    We have only just had a go at writing a few posts on our class blog but will get into it properly soon. Feel free to have a look if you would like.

    Mr C

  3. Hi Ms. Adams tomorrow is my first day at my new school in Colorado. I really miss Raymond case. My new school is called Denver Green school. By the way this is me Teeba.

    • Good luck, Teeba! We miss you, too! Don’t forget to log in when you comment. Your former classmates would love to hear from you as well. I will check your blog for updates! 🙂

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