Tree House Stories

Story Treehouse



 Climb on up and find a spot on the floor (ignore the sign;  everyone is welcome!).   Click on one of the links below and have a  listen.  Our class has  some good stories to tell.   Write us a comment below.  We’d  love to hear from you!

Here are our latest stories:


Wash Your Hands!

This year everyone  fears the dreaded H1N1 flu.  And they should because it has made many people very sick.  But there is something you can do begin to protect yourself from the flu and even other diseases. WASH YOUR HANDS!!!!

Many diseases are caused by microscopic,  living things called germs.  While some germs are good for you, some can make you sick.  And germs are everywhere: on your desk; on your books, on your toys, even on your kitchen counter! But you can protect yourself from them by washing your hands, keeping your things clean and by keeping your hands out of your eyes, nose and mouth. Watch the video of my friend, Syd the Science Kid under “Health” in the links on the right side of this site, to learn how germs travel and make you sick. Also, he’ll show you how to protect yourself from disease caused by germs.  Then come back to write a comment to tell other ways to stay  disease free!