Knowledge Is Power!

Blog Tamers, did you know…..Dr. Daniel Hale Williams

Dr. Daniel Hale Williams was the first doctor to do open heart surgery, more than 100 years ago in Chicago’s Provident Hospital? He was also African American!  You can read about him in your Open Court reader, right?

Here’s another African American doctor you should know…..Dr. Dr. Benjamin CarsonBenjamin Carson! In 1987, he became the first doctor to operate to separate conjoined twins…and both twins lived!

Blog Tamers, click on “comment” below and write to compare and contrast these two doctors: how are they they alike and how are they different?  Also, Blog Tamers, why do you think “Knowledge is Power”?

Dr. Daniel Hale Williams photo from
Dr. Benjamin Carson’s photo from:

9 thoughts on “Knowledge Is Power!

  1. I think they are alike because they are both African American and they both were the first person to do something in a hospital.I could tell that they are different because Dr.Dan was the first person to do open heart surgery and Dr.Benjamin was the first person to separate conjoined twins.

  2. I think Dr. Dan and Dr. Carson are alike because they both are African Americans. They are different because Dr. Dan did the first open heart surgery and Dr. Carson operated on conjoined twins. Knowledge is power because if you know something you have the power to do it.

  3. I think Dr. Carson and Dr. Dan is alike because they’re both African American.They are different because Dr. Carson was the first one to seperate conjoined twins and Dr. Dan was the first one to do an open heart surgery.

  4. I think Dr. Dan and Dr. Carson are the same because they both did surgery on somebody and they are both doctors. Knowlege is power because it makes you smart.

  5. I think Dr.Dan and Dr.Carson are the same because they both did something first. Dr.Dan and Dr.Carson are different because Dr.Dan did heart surgery and Dr.Carson seperated conjoined twins.

  6. I think they are alike because they both made history. Dr.Dan was the first person to do heart surgery. Dr.Carson was the first to separate to conjoined twins and they lived. they are both diffrent because they did their surgery different days.

  7. They are allike because they both made history. Dr.Dan was the first one to do open heart surgery.Dr.Carson was first to separate two conjoined twins and they lived. They both are different because they both did different surgery on different days.

  8. I think Dr.Dan was good because he saved James from a stab on his chest.He also did open heart surgery.

  9. I liked the story hell hound. it was 9 inches tall. The hell hound was big. I wish there was more parts.

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