Photo Documentary

Definition: photo documentary is used to chronicle significant or historical events using pictures

The difference between a photo and photojournalism is that a simple photo is just a basic picture of something you snap a shot of. While photojournalism is a series of pictures that come together to create a story, or something meaningful to the photographer.

The NPPA is the National Press Photographers Association, it hold places for still photographers and many students in the field of photojournalism

The NPPA Code of Ethics is basically a system that everyone in the program has to follow. There are a set of rules and set goals for all the students to live by

The media needs ethics because many people believe that using the right of “freedom of speech” allows you to say anything you want without being accountable, although this may be true under the protection of the Constitution, without rules and regulations many people can say and do whatever they want without consequences. Ethics provides guidelines for what is expected and how a person can get there, set goals..make something of yourself


10 Tips



balancing elements:   OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA




symmetry and patterns:   OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA







framing:   solleybtip8




experimentation:  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Developing Review

Step 3: Mixing the Chemicals

Once the film has been exposed and the supplies have been gathered, it is time to mix the chemicals.

Start by mixing the developer at a ratio of one part developer for four parts water (1:4). It  takes about 10oz of this mixture for each reel that will be developed. In most cases, two reels get developed at a time. Only mix  as much developer the tank requires (don’t premix and store). Once  T-MAX is diluted it is important to regulate the temperature  at 72º.

Next, mix the stop bath. The stop bath should be diluted and stored in excess for later use. Mix with water at a ratio of 1:64. (stop ratio varies depending on the brand, it is recommended you second check the directions).

Fixer and Hypo Clearing Agent (HCA) should be mixed according to the package instructions. Powder fixers often come with the hardener included in one package. Other liquid fixers require mixing of 2 elements. Fixer can be reused so keep it in a sealed container. HCA can be reused, but because it is difficult to determine when it is getting weak, some photographers will discard it after it has been in the developing tank.

Step 4: Light Proof a Room

Light-proofing a room is one of the steps that is easiest to make mistakes. There can be no visible light, not a red or amber safe-light. It is a good idea to start by  bathroom or a laundry room with no windows. Use masking tape, foam weather stripping, towels or rags to block any light that may be spill into the work area.

Let your eyes adjust for a few minutes to be sure that there nothing visible. Remember to get all the cracks where light might get in. Both of these photos show a door with enough light getting through to fog your negatives. At first it would seem that the door on the right is light safe but once your eves adjust there is still a crack of light getting through.

Step 5: Open the Film Canister

Once you have found a light-safe a spot, get the developing tank, reels, film, a bottle opener and a pair of scissors.

Turn off all lights and use the can opener to pry the top off the film canister. (It is not a bad idea to make a second check for any sources of light before this step)

Step 6: Take the Film Out of the Canister

Touching the emulsion side of the film will affect the chemicals in the developing process, so try to remove the film without making any contact with the film itself. Holding only the plastic knob that sticks out of the canister, pull the film out of the canister. The film will unravel but try not to let it touch the ground.

Step 7: Even Off the End of the Film

Without touching the emulsion side of the film, use your thumb and forefinger to grip the film by the edges and feel toward the end of the film. The end of your film has no exposures on it, so it is safe to touch. Using your fingers as a guide, find your scissors and cut the ‘tongue’ off your film.

Step 8: Load the Reel

Once the film has an even end, it can be loaded on the reel. Take a reel and feed the first piece of film onto it. It may resist at first but once it passes the ball bearing it seems to pop onto the track. (Remember not to touch the emulsion in areas where the film was exposed).

Most plastic reels have a self feeding oscillating mechanism that allows the user to feed the film without touching the film. Rotate one side of the reel about 1/8th of a turn and return it to it’s original position, as this action is repeated the film will wind around the track without any significant problems.

Step 9: Cut Off the Plastic End of the Reel

Toward the end of the reel, you will feel the plastic spindle that was used to pull the film out of the canister. It will find it’s way into your palms as you wind up your film. Take the scissors and cut this plastic spindle free and continue to load the rest of your film.

Do not pull the tape off the film, as it can cause a small amount of static that can fog your negatives. Once all your film is loaded onto reels place the reels inside your light safe tank and close it up. Be sure that it is secured and all reels are safely inside.

At this point it is safe to turn on the lights and clean up the canisters, lids spindle and discarded film that you have dropped.

Step 10: Before the Developing Process

There are a few techniques that should be covered before beginning the developing process. The quarter turn and tilt agitations are an essential part of developing T-MAX. The quarter turn inversions are used to make sure that all parts of the film get exposed to  the chemicals (see the image below). These inversions should take about 1 second and will be repeated several times in the process, so practicing before you start the process is advised.

Because timing of chemical baths must be precise when developing film, it is important to have all your chemicals measured out ahead of time. When one chemical has been exposed to the film for the suggested time you should be able to pour it out and have it replaced within 10 seconds.

It is also important to remember that, while most developing tanks take about 20 fl. oz to cover reels, your tank may differ. Check the recommended volume of the tank before pouring chemicals. There is a guide on the bottom of most plastic developing tanks with the recommended amount of chemicals.

Step 11: T-MAX Developer

When all of the chemicals are prepared and your film is loaded in the developing tank, you are ready to start the developing process. Pour enough water to fill your tank and let your negatives soak for 1 minute.

You should have already measured out the amount of developer that it takes to cover your reels. The developer should be maintained at 72° but if you are finding it difficult to do that the container has this chart. Pour out the water and pour in the T-MAX Developer.

Once your solution is poured agitate by giving your developing tank the quarter turn and tilt agitations shown in Step 10. Repeat this process 30 times in 30 seconds. Tap to the bottom of your tank, allow the tank to sit for 25 seconds. Agitate again for 5 seconds, tap the bottom again and allow to sit for 25 seconds.

This process of 5 inversions followed by 25 seconds of idleness should be repeated until the developer has had 6 1/2 to 7 minutes in the tank. Pour out and discard your developer.

Step 12: Stop Bath

Pour in 20oz of stop bath and agitate with 1/4 turn inversions for 30 seconds. Pour out and discard.

Step 13: Fixer

Pour in 20oz of fixer. Complete 3 1/2 to 8 minutes of cycles that consist of 15 one second inversions, 3 taps and 45 second rests. Once this step is complete you can open your light safe tank to observe your negatives. If your negatives appear purple and thick continue this process for another cycle and check again.

New fixer takes about 3 1/2 minutes, and as you recycle your fixer it will take up to 8 minutes to properly fix your negatives. Once your negatives are similar to the ones shown  pour your fixer back into it’s container. If it takes more than 8 minutes for your negatives to clear up it is probably time for new fixer!

Step 14: One Minute Wash

Refasten the lid to your tank and give your negatives a 60 second water wash, then discard the water.

Step 15: Hypo

Use enough HCA to cover your reels. Follow by 1 full minute of full agitation (1 second 1/4 turn inversions). Hypo can be recycled, but it is difficult to tell when the mixture is getting weak.

Step 16: Five Minute Running Water Wash

Give your negatives a 5 minute running water wash. Remove light safe lid and let water pour directly onto the reels.

Step 17: Photo Flo

Toward the end of the water wash apply 2 drops of Photo Flo. Rotating your negatives in this solution helps to distribute the Photo Flo.

Step 18: Drying and Hardening

Remove the negatives from their reels and hang them in a clean dust free area. Do not touch the negatives with dry fingers, but wet your hands in Photo Flo solution and lightly run fingers along drying film to remove excess water. Negatives should be given at least 2 hours before you touch them again.

Step 19: Cutting and Archiving Your Negatives

Once you have your negatives, you will probably want to put them into a archival sleeve whether you are using an enlarger to make a contact sheet and prints later, or you are just scanning them to a digital format.

I use Print File’s Contact proofing preserver because I like to store the contact sheet right on top of the negatives for easy proofing. You will probably cut after either every 5 frames or 6 frames depending on the negative preserver.

Step 20: Examine Your Negatives

It helps if you have access to a light table here, but you can just as easily hold your negatives into any light source to examine them. A well developed negative has both areas that are fully thick but still has areas where the negative is completely transparent.

Thin negatives will result in very gray prints concentrated in the mid tone range, whereas overly thick negatives will result either in prints that are too light and lack detail or gray negatives that appear blurry and fogged.

Inspect the negatives for watermarks, scratches and dust. Scratches to the emulsion side of the film are very difficult to fix. Dust and watermarks are easily removed with an anti-static or micro-fiber cloth (be careful to use clean lintless fabric that is free of grit or dirt they will scratch your negatives).


STEPS FROM:–photo-2580


Studio Assignment Planning

For the studio project next week i want to get a couple of students from my group in the class and i want them to model cl0thing. I want to take a couple shots of each person and maybe as a whole group. My object for this assignment is to just have fun and let the models kind of add their own style or ideas to the shoot

Henri Cartier-Bresson: this influential painter and photographer was aiming to capture “eternity in an instant” he is famous for creating photographs that are realistic and offer moments of life in its truest and purest form. He was also interested in catching people off-guard in order to create a “real” image of someone instead of them just posing for a photoimagesLEVY0IHH imagesPHZVRIOU imagesWI6T8AFY

Photogram Research

Photogram definition: a picture produced with photographic materials, such as light-sensitive paper, but without a camera.

2 artists: Floris Neusüss, Susan Derges








My ideas: some ideas i have for the photogram is using a flower in the background and having the silhouette of a person in front of it. another idea that i have is creating a landscape of some sort of background image and have a couple flowers on the top so it gives off the illusion that the flowers and background are the same picture but they really aren’t

Pop Art

Pop art is a type of art that was first introduced in the 1960’s and Britain first and then made its way to the United States. It became popular because it established a new kind of imagery that included news, pop culture, and advertising. Pop Art was first created by an independent group of young painters and etc that wanted to challenge modernists approaches to culture.

                       BEFORE AND AFTER

photo (1)

pop art



Fav Pic

when i went to tahoe over summer vacation i stayed all day and got to see the sunset, and so i took a picture of it because i thought it was so pretty photo

Computer Review

for the computer review i took 3 pictures. one is edited with color, levels, and hue/saturation. the second is 2 pictures and i used the selection tool to photoshop my friend tim into the other picture. and the last picture is just a regular picture with a filter added to it OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Composition Techniques


states that all important scenes in your photo are viewed between the lines



adding more elements to photo that is off centered to create a balance effect



adding lines to your picture can help direct the viewer look at what you want them to focus on



adding symmetry and patterns can attract the eye of the viewer and can also create a way to break the tension between patterns



make sure to pay attention to the viewpoint of the photo by creating a different way to look at it, it can affect the message you’re trying to convey



before shooting your photo pay attention to the background to make sure you choose the right background that isn’t distracting or destract the viewer



adding layers, overlapping, and adding objects to the foreground and background can help enhance the composition of the photo



creating a frame around the subject of your photo can help enhance the focus of your main subject



cropping the subject of your photo can help eliminate the background “noise” in the photo



this is important in shooting more than one photo and coming out with new and more advanced results


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