
I took some very hilarious pictures of Cole i the studio and tried to capture his expressions without him noticing. Although i had to give him scenarios to act out, he accomplished them well.DSC_0005DSC_0006

Circus Mirror/Eye Color

For the circus mirror picture you are able to distort your body in any shape or form and i thought this was pretty interesting because many magezines and things do this to all the models so i decided i would make myself look skinnierOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA. for eye color, i wanted to give myself more of a blue eye than green because i always thought blue eyes were prettyOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA


We just got a puppy back in November and her name is Blitz, she is a couple months old but she is already the devil. She’s a pure bred German Shephard and she is ALWAYS full of energysolleybpetsolleybpet2

Human/Animal Hybrid

I chose an elephant for my human/animal hybrid because i think i relate the most to an elephant. On the outside elephants have rough skin symbolizing the weather conditions and such that they have been through. I relate to this because although I am not necassarily affected by my environment or weather I have been through some hardships that make my skin a little “rougher”. The elephant comes from a long background of mythology. It also symbolizes strength and wisdom and I believe to have both of those things

Ant’s Eye

The ants eye is cool because everything that you are looking at looks super big. Almost like you are small and everything around you is gigantic. scary!!

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