SJMS Essential Documents:
SJMS Continuous Improvement Process
SJMS Teaching and Learning Simplified
Curricular Teams Instructional Process
30 Minutes to a Successful Meeting
SJMS Effective Curricular Teams Reflection Tool
Shift – Curricular Teams Science of Teaching
SJMS Teaching and Learning Detailed
What is our EGUSD LEA Plan (Local Educational Agency Plan) and how can we use it to help us increase student achievement?
The Local Educational Agency Plan (LEA Plan)
The approval of a Local Educational Agency Plan by the local school board and State Board of Education is a requirement for receiving federal funding subgrants for NCLB programs. The LEA Plan includes specific descriptions and assurances as outlined in the provisions included in NCLB. In essence, LEA Plans describe the actions that LEAs will take to ensure that they meet certain programmatic requirements, including student academic services designed to increase student achievement and performance, coordination of services, needs assessments, consultations, school choice, supplemental services, services to homeless students, and others as required. In addition, LEA Plans summarize assessment data, school goals and activities from the Single Plans for Student Achievement developed by the LEA’s schools. ~CDE
What is PI (Program Improvement) and how is it related to student achievement?
PI is the formal designation for Title I-funded schools and LEAs that fail to make AYP for two consecutive years
The ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act) requires all states to implement statewide accountability systems based on challenging state standards in reading and mathematics, annual testing for all students in grades three through eight, and annual statewide progress objectives ensuring that all groups of students reach proficiency within 12 years. Assessment results are disaggregated by socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, disability, and limited English proficiency to ensure that no group is left behind. LEAs and schools that fail to make AYP toward statewide proficiency goals are subject to improvement and corrective action measures. ~CDE
What is Single Plan for Student Achievement and how is it related to student achievement?
Single Plan for Student Achievement
Academic achievement of students is the top priority of the education system in California. California Education Code sections 41507, 41572, and 64001 and the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) require each school to consolidate all school plans for programs funded through the School and Library Improvement Block Grant, the Pupil Retention Block Grant, the Consolidated Application, and ESEA Program Improvement into the Single Plan for Student Achievement. ~CDE
SPSA Guide
How can PLC’s (Curricular Teams) help us get there?
(With PLC’s)…there is an air of professionalism among all teachers as they participate on effective learning teams and share basic norms and values relative to students, . . . as well as teaching and learning. They participate in reflective dialogue about instructional challenges and work cooperatively to identify teaching strategies that positively address them. ~Green, R. L. 2010. The four dimensions of principal leadership: A framework for leading 21st-century schools.
Article~ PLC’s as they relate to PI
All Things PLC
Solution Tree- DeFours
Florin High PLC Wiki
How are WE going to help SJMS become a schools to watch?
The Schools to Watch Taking Center Stage program identifies middle schools that are academically excellent, developmentally responsive, socially equitable, and structured for success. In the words of State Superintendent Tom Torlakson, “These middle schools teach deeply to standards, assess ongoing student progress, and use data to make decisions. They develop confident and capable adolescent citizens, differentiate instruction for all learners, and provide effective interventions to struggling students and English learners. ~CLMS”