Parent support is essential for Safe Routes to School programs to be successful and sustainable at school sites. SRTS Parent Champions can get involved in many ways including:
- Organizing and recruiting volunteers for special events like Walk to School Days
- Planning and staffing regular Walking School Bus routes
- Participating in a school traffic observation or walk audit
- Providing education to students and parents on pedestrian and biking safety
- Serving as a parent volunteer crossing guard
- Any new idea you have to make walking and biking to school safer and more enjoyable!
To get involved, talk to your school’s principal about your interest, or contact the EGUSD Safe Routes to School Program at (916) 686-7711.
Parent Champion Resources
Teaching Children to Walk Safely as They Grow and Develop: A Guide for Parents and Caregivers
Safe Routes to School Encouragement Ideas
Walkability Checklist: How Safe is Your Route?