The links are listed as a courtesy to our website visitors. While these sites are offered as a resource for our visitors, the Elk Grove Unified School District does not control the information contained in the linked websites and accepts no liability for any of the information.
CA Active Transportation Resource Center – CA Department of Public Health
Safe Routes to School National Partnership – comprehensive SRTS resources, research and technical assistance
Walk Bike to School – download free resources and get ideas to jazz up your SRTS events!
Active4me – electronic student travel scanning program created by safe routes to school advocates in Davis, CA
Civic Thread – a nonprofit community organization working to achieve safe, walkable communities throughout the Sacramento region
AAA Safety Patrol – program that trains students to be safety ambassadors during school arrival and dismissal and at street crossings
UC Davis Injury Prevention/Kohl’s Buckle Up to Grow Up – provides bike helmet safety education in schools and ongoing setup of schools as bicycle helmet safety centers
Spare the Air – Air quality information for the Sacramento region, including tips on how to drive less