In2Books 2009-2010

We have been assigned our pen pals and have received our first books….so we are well on our way to reading and corresponding with our new pen pals.  Most of us really like In2Books.  Getting a free new book is always special.  We are continuing our tolerance unit that we started last year.  Our first unit is always about bullies because bullies are every where, and we need to really do a good job of  being an upstander and saying “No!” to bullies.  So we each picked a title from the In2Books unit on bullying.

It has been intersting to see how each of the characters in our books deals with their bully.  Jake Drake tends to ignore his bully, Link.  While Agnes confronts her bully.  Sometimes different bullying behavior warrents different  solutions.  What do you think is the best way to deal with a bully?