Goals/Raffle Rules

Keyboard Home Row
Typing.com uses a sequenced approach and new keys are introduced in a way that builds upon previous lessons.  Focus on accuracy over speed.  Always practice from HOME ROW only, NOT looking at your hands if possible. Watch this on the basics of typing using HOME ROW: VIDEO

We type using Typing.com: https://www.typing.com/student/login

Grade level goals (by end of year) :
3rd Grade-8 words per minute
4th Grade-12 words per minute
5th Grade-15 words per minute
6th Grade-20 words per minute

In addition…there are TWO different INCENTIVE programs for being the best typist you can be. There is an end of the year RAFFLE and the ALL STAR TYPISTS board.

End of year Typing Prize Raffle

To earn tickets for the raffle, all lessons & tests (see requirements below) must be completed by Friday, MAY 10, 2024.  That is the cutoff date!

LESSONS may be complete anywhere and any time on any computer with a web browser.  Be sure to practice home row and try not to look at your hands while you type. We want to MEMORIZE where the letters are using home row technique.

TESTS: Only tests taken in the computer lab during your weekly scheduled class time count.  Every test is time/date stamped, so any tests not taken during your normal computer class are filtered out.

1 test qualifying test=1 raffle ticket. LESSON requirements must also be fulfilled by the deadline date. TICKETS will be given out a day or two before the drawing at the last assembly of the year.

RAFFLE Requirements:

3rd grade

  1. FINISH ALL the Beginner lessons on typing.com (keep going to Intermediate & Advanced if you finish!)
  2. Take a 1 minute (or more) TEST on typing.com DURING computer class with at least 8 wpm AND 95% accuracy

4th grade

  1. FINISH at least TWO (2) consecutive SECTIONS (Beginner/Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, or Advanced/Other)
  2. Take a 1 minute (or more) TEST on typing.com DURING computer class with at least 12 wpm AND 95% accuracy

5th grade

  1. FINISH at least TWO (2) consecutive SECTIONS (Beginner/Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, or Advanced/Other)
  2. Take a 3 minute TEST on typing.com DURING computer class with at least 15 wpm AND 95% accuracy

6th grade

  1. FINISH at least TWO (2) consecutive SECTIONS (Beginner/Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, or Advanced/Other)
  2. Take a 3 minute TEST on typing.com DURING computer class with at least 20 wpm AND 95% accuracy

There are THREE main Typing Lessons/Sections (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced).

If you start the year with Advanced, choose any of the OTHER lessons under it (NOT Coding Essentials or Your Problem Keys) for your second SECTION to finish.


If you can type at least 30 words per minute with 95% accuracy on a test (even a 1 minute test), you get to sign a CD for the All Star Typists bulletin board.  This must be done using a keyboard cover, using home row and you should be able to do it repeatedly (it can’t be a fluke).  As you progress higher on typing tests, your CD will move to a different column.

What are the advantages of being an All-Star?

Once you get on the board, you can ditch the keyboard cover. You may ALSO play typing GAMES when we have dedicated typing time in the lab (when others are doing lessons or taking tests).

Additionally, there are incentives for each column you reach:
30 WPM-‘PG All Star Typist’ engraved pencils (2)
45 WPM-A PG All Star Typist T-shirt
60 WPM-Mr. Le will print a 3D items for you with multicolor filament from thingiverse.com
85 WPM-A PG All Star Typist HAT
100+ WPM-$50 gift card to Amazon