Open House is now “Bring Your Parent to School”

Instead of the traditional Open House, Sunrise Elementary is trying something new this year. Open House has been changed to “Bring Your Parent to School Day”.

Bring Your Parent to School Day” will occur on a minimum day, first thing in the morning at 8:15 am.  Students and parents are invited visit to their classrooms and also view the art show in the multipurpose room from 8:15 am to 9:00 am.  Then, parents will convene in the multipurpose at 9:00 am to 9:45 am for Coffee Talk and snacks.  A, C, and D Tracks’ “Bring Your Parent to School Day” is on Wednesday, May 1st, and B Track’s is on April 5th.

5th Grade C Track’s CASSPP dates have been scheduled.  They are April 22nd through April 26th for ELA and June 17th through June 21st for Math and possibly Science.

Upcoming Dates:

March 27th and March 28th:  Paperback Book Exchange

April 4th:  Character Awards assembly

April 5th: Minimum Day; Spirit Day:  Hawaiian Day; Deficiency Notices sent

April 6th:  PFO Bike Rodeo

April 9th:  Family Science Night

April 22nd – 25thELA CASSPP testing

April 26th:   ELA CASSPP Make-up testing; CommUNITY Carnival

April 30th:  Character Awards assembly

May 1st: Minimum Day; “Bring Your Parent to School Day”; Spirit Day:  Sports Day; TRACK OFF

June 3rd: TRACK ON

June 17th – 20th:    MATH CASSPP testing (and possibly Science)

June 21st:  MATH CASSPP make-up testing

June 28th:  Last day of school 🙁


Math:  We have just completed Chapter 7, Multiply Fractions and will take the chapter test on Tuesday, March 26th.  We will begin Chapter 8, Divide Fractions, next week.  We have also been working in Chapter 9 and learning coordinate graphs.  We will continue to work in chapter 9 and apply our graphing skills to Science.

Reading:   We will be reading and analyzing folktales.

Science:  We have completed our study of Water Cycle and Earth’s Systems and are beginning studying Earth’s Weather.  We started working from the science text book, and the students have been completing science homework in the Interactive Active (IT) Science text.

Read, read, read


Read, read, read! Only a fraction of our class met our AR goal of 23 points during the 2nd trimester, and we read and analyzed a novel together worth 7 points.  Please read with your children and discuss what they are reading with them.  Reading helps improve vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency, which transfers through the subject areas.  Plus, it is super enjoyable with the right books!


A discussion of C-Track CAASSP testing dates has occurred. It is possible the C-Track students may be taking the test before we track off in May.  As a result, we a learning some lessons congruently or “jumping ahead” to future lessons.  The dates for the testing have not been finalized, but it is being discussed.


Upcoming Dates:

March 4th:  Academic and Character Awards assembly

March 7th: Minimum Day; Spirit Day:  Book Character; Report Cards are sent home


April 15th through 26th: POSSIBLE CAASPP C-Track Testing


Math:  We have just completed Chapter 6, Add and Subtract Fractions with Unlike Denominators.  We will begin Chapter 7, Multiply Fractions next week.  We have also been reviewing perimeter and area, and have introduced Volume.  We will have math homework lessons from Chapter 11, Geometry and Volume “folded-into” our chapter of study.


Reading:   We have been reading expository text genres, currently persuasive articles and analyzing the author’s point of view.  We will analyze poetry next.


Spelling:  We are “jumping ahead/around” (out-of-sequence) in spelling lessons to make sure that the students have been exposed to spelling patterns that we likely not taught in previous grades.  Using common Greek and Latin affixes and roots is a 5th grade language standard ;).


Science:  We have completed our study of Ecosystems and the Food Web and are beginning the study of Water Cycle and Earth’s Systems.


Writing: We are concluding are persuasive essay on the Magellan DBQ.

Tracking-on ~ Welcome back!

Welcome back on-track February 4th!  I hope that everyone had an enjoyable and restful break, and that your children read lots of engaging books!  🙂

February is a busy month. Some dates to note are:

February 6th, Wednesday:  Sheldon High School field trip; have your child bring a sack lunch!

February 11th and 18th, Mondays:  No school in observance of Lincoln’s and Washington’s birthdays, respectively.

February 14th:  Valentine’s Day ~ students will exchange Valentine’s

February 15th, Friday:  PFO Family Valentine’s Dance

March 1st:  Grades lock for the 2nd trimester.

Happy December!

Happy late Thanksgiving and present December!

THANK you to Alma Lopez, Kristi Ng, and Chris Wilcox for their labor and creativity on Colonial Day! They helped three 5th grade classes make Indian Dream Catchers, corn husk dolls, and Indian Fry Bread, respectively.  Thank you to all of the parent donations of food, equipment, and craft supplies that helped make the day successful!

Upcoming Dates:

December 11th:  Anti-bullying assembly

December 12th:  SaveMart Grocery Store field trip

December 13th:  Sheldon High School’s Dance Company field trip forms and lunch orders DUE

December 19th:  Evening Music Performance (5:30 pm?)

December 20th:  Crocker Art Museum’s Art Ark (lesson and art making)

December 21st:  Off-track; Minimum Day


January 10th:  Family Life Parent Education preview at EGUSD office


February 4th:  TRACK ON

February 6th:  Sheldon High Sheldon High School’s “Universal Rhythm” Dance Company presentation field trip; and Family Life Parent Education preview at EGUSD office

February 11th:  Holiday – Lincoln’s birthday observed

February 14th:  Valentine Exchange

February 18th:  Holiday – Washington’s birthday observed

Math:  The students took the Chapter 4, Multiply Decimals, math test on Friday, November 30th via Think Central. More than a few students were unsuccessful.  Some of the errors were computational and others were in making sense of the word problems.  Therefore, we will be reviewing Chapter 4 and re-administering the test next Friday, December 14th.  Please review the errors that your child may have made at home via Think Central.

We began Chapter 5, Dividing Decimals, and are about half way through the chapter (Lesson 5-5). Before we proceed to Lesson 5-6, Divide Decimals with a decimal divisor, we are working on a project called, Movie Madness.  This project requires students to create a movie theater (on paper) that involves math calculations using division.  It will help students solidify their understanding of division and application of word problems.  The Chapter 5 test is scheduled for Wednesday, December 19th.


Social Studies: We began our first DBQ (Document Based Questioning) on the explorer Ferdinand Magellan:  “Was Magellan Worth Defending?”

We’re continuing our novel Blood on the River.


Writing: We have been writing summaries of science articles that relate to our studies in life sciences using Write to Learn.


November already??

The 5th Grade Colonial Day is next Wednesday, November 14th!  Please send the supplies by Tuesday, so that I know that we’ll have everything that we’ll need.  🙂  We made hats and caps today for the students to wear on Wednesday.

Suggestions for Colonist clothing:


Loose white shirt or blouse (ruffles at neck and sleeves are great, but not necessary)

Dark knickers (sweats pulled up to the knee will work)

Vest (optional)—a woman’s flowered vest works

Hard or dark shoes—you may attach a foil covered buckle

Long, plain socks—soccer socks are great!

Three-cornered hat (made in class)


Long dress or skirt, pale colors or small prints

White socks or tights

White blouse that covers elbows-peasant style is best

Hard or dark shoes

White apron

Mob cap (made in class)

Straw hat (optional)


Social Studies: We’re finishing up learning about the first colonies in North America.  We will begin our first DBQ (Document Based Questioning) on the explorer Ferdinand Magellan after Thanksgiving break.

We’re in the middle of our novel Blood on the River.


Science: We are continuing our life science studies, specifically how organisms interact in a pond ecosystem.


Math: We have finished Chapter 4, Multiplying Decimals, and will take the Chapter 4 test next Thursday.  We will continue to Chapter 5, Divide Decimals

Field Trips:

Past: October 30th: Stonelakes Wildlife Refuge – the students took water samples and identified aquatic invertebrates; investigated soil grain size and permeability; and hiked looking for wildlife and evidence of wildlife

Present: December 12th; SHAPE SaveMart.  The District is paying for the transportation costs; yellow permission slip form DUE

Future: February 6th, Sheldon High Sheldon High School’s “Universal Rhythm” Dance Company presentation; Cost: $8 includes transportation and admission


Fingerprinting: As you are aware, our wonderful parent volunteers are now required to be fingerprinted.  If you are a parent volunteer in most any regular capacity, please make arrangements to be fingerprinted by our district.  The EGUSD holds fingerprinting hours at the district office located at 9510 Elk Grove-Florin Rd, Elk Grove, CA 95624 on Mondays and Wednesdays 8:30-10:30, as well as Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:30-4:30. If you have any questions about this updated practice, please contact our principal, Mr. Hock, at, or by phone, 916-985-4350.

The district has set a deadline for compliance of January 1, 2019.


Parent Preview Nights for 5th and 6th Grade Family Life Education on Thursday, January 10, 2019 and Wednesday, February 6, 2019


Updates in middle of October and future dates

The Multicultural Fair was amazing! Indian and Aztec dances,  Kung Fu, Chinese dragons, food, fashion show, and more!

Science:  We are still studying habitats using Mystery Science.  Last Monday (10/15) an educator came and taught our class about waterfowl.  We learned many new and interesting facts about waterfowl that ties into our Life Science.  The students were able to observe hands-on birds’ skulls, beaks, feet, and wings to draw conclusions on if the bird was waterfowl.  The class is currently in the process of drawing ducks to enter the Jr. Duck Stamp contest.

Social Studies:  In our text book we have begun Chapter 3 on “The Age of Exploration.”  Additionally, we are just beginning our first novel:  Blood on the River.  This novel will be used to teach both Social Studies and Reading.

Math:  We will finish Chapter 3, Add and Subtract Decimals (test on Thursday), and will begin Chapter 4, Multiply Decimals later next week.

Writing:  We have  just started the Write to Learn program!  Thank you for the donations to help purchase the program!

In WIN (What I Need) time, the students are reading an Article-a-Day to help build their reading stamina, vocabulary, and schema.

Next week October 21st: Red Ribbon Week

Monday: Kick-off:  Wear Red

Tuesday: wear athletic shoes

Wednesday: wear a cap

Thursday: Sunglasses

Friday: Crazy Socks

An assembly is occurring on October 24th:  EcoHero Show – focusing on littering and keeping our world clean

Scholastic Book Orders will be sent out next week. They are due Thursday, November 1st.

The 5th Grade Colonial Day has been scheduled for Wednesday, November 14th!  The teachers and students will dress in colonial clothing.  Students will rotate through classrooms to cook foods from colonial times, play games, create art, and more.  We will be seeking volunteers for that day to lead stations and requesting supplies for cooking and crafts.  More information is to come.

Another field trip has also been scheduled for February 6th to Sheldon High School Performing Arts: Sheldon High School’s “Universal Rhythm” Dance Company

Busy October 2019

Welcome back on Monday, October 8th!  A lot of activities have been planned during the month of October!

October 1 through 31: Share-a-Sole – donating new shoes

October 8th through November 2ndKids Can! – donating canned food


October 10th:  Walk and Roll to school

October 12th:  Box Tops for a Sweet Treat; Multicultural Event:  5:30 pm to 7:00 pm

October 24th:  Watch DOGS (Dads of Great Students) Pizza Night

October 25th:  1st Trimester Academic Awards; Explore Your Future: 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm

October 26: Minimum Day ~ Crazy Hair; Report Cards sent home

Preliminary Multicultural Event schedule (10/12):

5:30 – 5:40          Staff and Student Fashion Show

5:40 – 6:00         Indian Performers

6:00 – 6:10          Essay Readers

6:10 – 6:30          Honor Kung Fu

6:30 – 6:40          Choir (Students who want to perform should meet at 6:15 pm on the outside stage)

6:45 – 7:00          Danza Azteca

Off track :)

We’re off-track! Please have your child continue to read while we are off.  They are able to come in to the library and take AR tests.  Check with the office for available times and days.  They need to earn 20 AR points by October 12th!

The students did a wonderful job in researching, creating a poster, and presenting their Native American regions project. The posters are creative and unique.

Chapter 2 math tests can be accessed on Think Central. We have begun Chapter 3 Add and Subtract Decimals.

We began music and the students are learning two songs for the Multicultural Event on October 12.  The songs can be accessed at:

Upcoming Dates:

October 8: Track On!!

October 12: Multicultural Event

October 15: Junior Duck Stamp presentation in the classroom

October 30: Field trip to Stone Lakes Wildlife Nature Preserve

I have scheduled an additional field trip to SaveMart Super Market on Wednesday, December 12th.

Academic happenings, including a group Social Studies project

Last week before we track off!

Academic happenings ~

Math: we took our Chapter 2 Divide Whole Numbers test on-line today.  Most of the students finished the text successfully, a few still need to finish, and a few students  will need to “redo” some problems.  You may see their scores on Think Central.  We begin Chapter 3, Add and Subtract Decimals next week.

Social Studies: We have begun a Native American group research project using multiple information sources.  The students have read and annotated text about their region from Rocklin Resources.  They are currently reading their Social Studies text and completing a graphic organizer about their region.  Next week they will research more information about their region using the internet.  They will also create their collaborative poster and present their projects.

Science: We have begun our studies in Life Science using the on-line resource Mystery Science.  Some of their work with food chains is on their Google Classroom account.

Language Arts: in grammar, we have been making compound and complex sentences using coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.  In reading this past week, we have been practicing Cause and Effect.  We will take our first on-line comprehension test next week.  Spelling has been put “on-hold” due to the short week and track-off.

Music started last week! No money is required; the $10 is only if the recorder is lost.  Any money that was sent to school was returned home.

We track back-on October 8th!

APEX Fun Run, Marsh Madness field trip, and Music

Some new and exciting information!

  • The class earned an APEX free homework pass for their fundraising – so, no homework tonight!
  • Tomorrow at 10:00 am is our APEX Fun Run.  You’re invited to come and join the fun by marking t-shirts, running or waking, or just cheering from the sidelines.
  • Marsh Madness field trip slips went home today!  Please sign and return the field trip permission slip form and the Liability Waiver.
  • Music class is beginning on Wednesday, September 5th and will continue through December on most Wednesday mornings.  Your child will bring home a “Recorder Rental Sheet” for you to sign so that they may “rent” a recorder to play.  THANK YOU PFO!!