End of Week 6 (e-mail)

We are at the end of Week 6!  We track off next week on Wednesday, September 16th.  We will be working on September 16th :).

  • Our Responsibility Characters Awards were awarded to:  Gabriel, Miles, and Brooke.  Congratulations!
  • We had our first field trip – kind of.  The Sacramento Public Library librarian from our local Rancho Cordova branch visited our class and shared with us all of the resources available to the students.
  • I have posted the Sacramento Public Library information and all of the links on the Stream in our Google Classroom.
  • Next Tuesday, September 15th is PFO’s Burger Inn Drive Thru fundraiser.
  • Next Wednesday, September 16th is also the PFO’s virtual dance party!  The links to dance are on Sunrise’s social media page.
  • Our local Sunrise Elementary School librarian, Mrs. Christensen, announced “that our (Sunrise) library will be opening to our students next week!! ?? Students (and staff) can access our library catalog through their Classlink Portal, reserve a library book online and pick it up via drive thru.  Our library catalog is available through Destiny Discover and it will be a work in progress as I will continue to add educational resources/links to this site. (AR Bookfinder, AR testing, Library of Congress for Kids, etc.)

Here is some important information to note:

  • TUESDAY – Students must place a hold on the book that they would like to check out by each Tuesday night
  • WEDNESDAY – I will check out these book to your students on Wednesday and send them a confirmation email with details of how to pick it up
  • THURSDAY – Students will pick up their library books via drive thru every Thursday from 12-4:30pm
  • Students may place a hold on ONE book at a time
  • Students may check out their library book for up to TWO weeks at a time
  • Books can be returned to our Library Drop Box located outside of the front office Monday-Friday 7:30-4pm or books can be returned during curbside pick up