Updates in middle of October and future dates

The Multicultural Fair was amazing! Indian and Aztec dances,  Kung Fu, Chinese dragons, food, fashion show, and more!

Science:  We are still studying habitats using Mystery Science.  Last Monday (10/15) an educator came and taught our class about waterfowl.  We learned many new and interesting facts about waterfowl that ties into our Life Science.  The students were able to observe hands-on birds’ skulls, beaks, feet, and wings to draw conclusions on if the bird was waterfowl.  The class is currently in the process of drawing ducks to enter the Jr. Duck Stamp contest.

Social Studies:  In our text book we have begun Chapter 3 on “The Age of Exploration.”  Additionally, we are just beginning our first novel:  Blood on the River.  This novel will be used to teach both Social Studies and Reading.

Math:  We will finish Chapter 3, Add and Subtract Decimals (test on Thursday), and will begin Chapter 4, Multiply Decimals later next week.

Writing:  We have  just started the Write to Learn program!  Thank you for the donations to help purchase the program!

In WIN (What I Need) time, the students are reading an Article-a-Day to help build their reading stamina, vocabulary, and schema.

Next week October 21st: Red Ribbon Week

Monday: Kick-off:  Wear Red

Tuesday: wear athletic shoes

Wednesday: wear a cap

Thursday: Sunglasses

Friday: Crazy Socks

An assembly is occurring on October 24th:  EcoHero Show – focusing on littering and keeping our world clean

Scholastic Book Orders will be sent out next week. They are due Thursday, November 1st.

The 5th Grade Colonial Day has been scheduled for Wednesday, November 14th!  The teachers and students will dress in colonial clothing.  Students will rotate through classrooms to cook foods from colonial times, play games, create art, and more.  We will be seeking volunteers for that day to lead stations and requesting supplies for cooking and crafts.  More information is to come.

Another field trip has also been scheduled for February 6th to Sheldon High School Performing Arts: Sheldon High School’s “Universal Rhythm” Dance Company