Welcome back on Monday, October 5, 2020! The Zoom meeting ID and password will remain the same. The link and information is provided in our Google Classroom, Classwork, under Zoom.
When we return we will be studying:
- Math: addition and subtraction to 1,000; this will include rounding numbers and several conceptual strategies to add and subtract.
- ELA: biographies from our Wonders books; long vowel sound spellings (a); and subjects and predicates.
- A “pick-up” of our Charolette’s Web books is also upcoming (dates TBD)
- Science: we will cover several of the NGSS standards by studying wetlands. On October 21st a Jr. Duck Stamp presentation will occur reviewing waterfowl adaptations and an art lesson on waterfowl.
- PE is now scheduled for Mondays at 8:10 am to 8:30 am
- Computers is now scheduled for Tuesdays at 11:35 am to 12:05 pm
I hope that everyone is well and had an enjoyable, safe break. I am looking forward to seeing and working with your children on Monday!