Monthly Archives: January 2020

Students Dream Kindness

The students’ book reports and presentations are/were fabulous!  It was a joy to be a part of the audience and listening to their oral presentations.  Most students were very well prepared with an introduction and recommendation of their books.  Some students added some fun facts or anecdotes.  The class was also eager to borrow books based upon their peers’ recommendations.

To recognize Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the students wrote their dreams for their community, school, home, and classroom.  Many of their dreams revolved around being kind to others and the reduction/elimination of litter.  How wonderful.

NOTE:  January 30th is a BIG DUE date day – Junior Duck Stamp Program permission slips forms are due; Sheldon High School Performing Arts field trip forms are due; and Scholastic Book orders are due.

Spirit Day Spirit Wear has changed to Sport’s Day on Friday, January 31st.

In the Classroom we will . . .

Math:  We are midway through Chapter 7, Division Facts and Strategies.  Chapter 7 test is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, February 12th.  Chapter 8 will introduce/review fractions.

Most students have memorized the 2 multiplication facts.  Students are now memorizing the 5 multiplication and division fact families with triangle flash cards, followed by the 3’s, 4’s, 6’s, etc.

Spelling:  Prefixes:  mis-; pre-; and dis-

Reading:  We have been reading expository text and learning the text features of it.  Cursive letters instruction has been slow.  Students are learning how to slant their papers so that their cursive letters can also be slanted – or “lean forward”.

Science:  We started the GLAD (Guided Language Acquisition) unit on Ecosystems and Biodiversity.  The “pre-unit” “What Do I Know” paper was empty by all students, so it is exciting to see how it will look at the end of the unit.  The 2nd grade teachers did a great job of teaching the geologic time scale – our students had good background knowledge.


30thDUE:  1) Sheldon High School Performing Arts Field Trip permission slips due (trip on February 19th); 2) Scholastic Book orders (On-line orders class code:  HZPJV); 3) DUCK Picture Contest Permission Slip Forms

Eat at Burger IM for proceeds to go to Sunrise

31st:  Minimum Day:  Spirit Wear change to SPORTS DAY from Robot day


5th:  Talent Show

7th:  Valentine Family Dance

10th:  Observance of Lincoln’s Birthday – No School

14th:  Valentine’s Day ~ Valentine’s will be exchanged in class

17th:  Observance of Washington’s Birthday – No School

19th:  Sheldon High School “Universal Rhythm” Dance Company field trip

28th:  Yearbook orders DUE



4th:  B Track Academic Awards

20th:  Family Picnic Day ~ bring a sack lunch to eat with your child

Welcome 2020!

Welcome to 2020!  We had our first field trip today to the Crocker Art Museum – THANK YOU parent chaperones!  Our next field trip will be to Sheldon High School to watch the Sheldon High School’s “Universal Rhythm” Dance Company demonstrate a variety of dance styles.  This trip is scheduled for February 19th.

Our first Book Report is due on January 14th!  I have been assigning “parts” of it this week to help students manage their time in its completion.  So far, students should have:

  • chosen a book that they read;
  • Written the Setting, Main Characters and made a title page
  • Written a summary of the book including the beginning, problem, 3 – 4 main events, and a conclusion
  • Begin preparation of their speech and design the report

Common Core Math strategies are being practiced in solving multiplication and division equations using “Choose 3 Ways” modeling.  Choose 3 Ways modeling:  creates conceptual and thoughtful understanding.  Algorithms (equations) are “short cuts” and do not create or show understanding of concepts; they occur at the end of teaching the concept.

In the Classroom we will . . .

Math:  Chapter 6 test is tentatively scheduled for Friday, January 17th.  We will begin Chapter 7, Division Facts and Strategies

  • Begin to memorize multiplication and division fact families with triangle flash cards
  • Continue to memorize and test on Skip Counting.

Spelling:  Week 14, r-controlled vowels.  I will be using the dictation sentence posted under the “Unit 3, Spelling” link for Week 14.

Reading:  We have been working with synonyms and Shades of Meaning in the new year.  We have also began learning cursive.  The cursive letters will be taught in groups of lower case letters according the stroke that is used.  The students need practice in interpreting metaphors using context clues, so we will practice, and then retake the Cold Comprehension test with their reinforced practice.  Students are also practicing reading with “prosody” – expression and intonation and NOT for speed.

Science:  We will be starting a GLAD (Guided Language Acquisition) unit on Ecosystems and Biodiversity.

Upcoming Dates:


2nd Thursday:  Track-back-on!

8th:  Crocker Art Museum field trip

14thBook Report due

15th – 17th:  Book Report presentations

20th:  Holiday of observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. – No School

21st:  Family Skate Night @ The Rink from 6 pm to 8 pm

30th:  Sheldon High School Performing Arts Field Trip permission slips due (trip on February 19th)

31st:  Minimum Day:  Robot Day


5th:  Talent Show ~ information will be coming

10th:  Observance of Lincoln’s Birthday – No School

14th:  Valentine’s Day ~ Valentine’s will be exchanged in class

17th:  Observance of Washington’s Birthday – No School

19th:  Sheldon High School “Universal Rhythm” Dance Company field trip

28th:  Yearbook orders DUE