Monthly Archives: December 2018

Happy December!

Happy late Thanksgiving and present December!

THANK you to Alma Lopez, Kristi Ng, and Chris Wilcox for their labor and creativity on Colonial Day! They helped three 5th grade classes make Indian Dream Catchers, corn husk dolls, and Indian Fry Bread, respectively.  Thank you to all of the parent donations of food, equipment, and craft supplies that helped make the day successful!

Upcoming Dates:

December 11th:  Anti-bullying assembly

December 12th:  SaveMart Grocery Store field trip

December 13th:  Sheldon High School’s Dance Company field trip forms and lunch orders DUE

December 19th:  Evening Music Performance (5:30 pm?)

December 20th:  Crocker Art Museum’s Art Ark (lesson and art making)

December 21st:  Off-track; Minimum Day


January 10th:  Family Life Parent Education preview at EGUSD office


February 4th:  TRACK ON

February 6th:  Sheldon High Sheldon High School’s “Universal Rhythm” Dance Company presentation field trip; and Family Life Parent Education preview at EGUSD office

February 11th:  Holiday – Lincoln’s birthday observed

February 14th:  Valentine Exchange

February 18th:  Holiday – Washington’s birthday observed

Math:  The students took the Chapter 4, Multiply Decimals, math test on Friday, November 30th via Think Central. More than a few students were unsuccessful.  Some of the errors were computational and others were in making sense of the word problems.  Therefore, we will be reviewing Chapter 4 and re-administering the test next Friday, December 14th.  Please review the errors that your child may have made at home via Think Central.

We began Chapter 5, Dividing Decimals, and are about half way through the chapter (Lesson 5-5). Before we proceed to Lesson 5-6, Divide Decimals with a decimal divisor, we are working on a project called, Movie Madness.  This project requires students to create a movie theater (on paper) that involves math calculations using division.  It will help students solidify their understanding of division and application of word problems.  The Chapter 5 test is scheduled for Wednesday, December 19th.


Social Studies: We began our first DBQ (Document Based Questioning) on the explorer Ferdinand Magellan:  “Was Magellan Worth Defending?”

We’re continuing our novel Blood on the River.


Writing: We have been writing summaries of science articles that relate to our studies in life sciences using Write to Learn.