Monthly Archives: September 2018

Off track :)

We’re off-track! Please have your child continue to read while we are off.  They are able to come in to the library and take AR tests.  Check with the office for available times and days.  They need to earn 20 AR points by October 12th!

The students did a wonderful job in researching, creating a poster, and presenting their Native American regions project. The posters are creative and unique.

Chapter 2 math tests can be accessed on Think Central. We have begun Chapter 3 Add and Subtract Decimals.

We began music and the students are learning two songs for the Multicultural Event on October 12.  The songs can be accessed at:

Upcoming Dates:

October 8: Track On!!

October 12: Multicultural Event

October 15: Junior Duck Stamp presentation in the classroom

October 30: Field trip to Stone Lakes Wildlife Nature Preserve

I have scheduled an additional field trip to SaveMart Super Market on Wednesday, December 12th.

Academic happenings, including a group Social Studies project

Last week before we track off!

Academic happenings ~

Math: we took our Chapter 2 Divide Whole Numbers test on-line today.  Most of the students finished the text successfully, a few still need to finish, and a few students  will need to “redo” some problems.  You may see their scores on Think Central.  We begin Chapter 3, Add and Subtract Decimals next week.

Social Studies: We have begun a Native American group research project using multiple information sources.  The students have read and annotated text about their region from Rocklin Resources.  They are currently reading their Social Studies text and completing a graphic organizer about their region.  Next week they will research more information about their region using the internet.  They will also create their collaborative poster and present their projects.

Science: We have begun our studies in Life Science using the on-line resource Mystery Science.  Some of their work with food chains is on their Google Classroom account.

Language Arts: in grammar, we have been making compound and complex sentences using coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.  In reading this past week, we have been practicing Cause and Effect.  We will take our first on-line comprehension test next week.  Spelling has been put “on-hold” due to the short week and track-off.

Music started last week! No money is required; the $10 is only if the recorder is lost.  Any money that was sent to school was returned home.

We track back-on October 8th!