Daily Archives: August 29, 2018

APEX Fun Run, Marsh Madness field trip, and Music

Some new and exciting information!

  • The class earned an APEX free homework pass for their fundraising – so, no homework tonight!
  • Tomorrow at 10:00 am is our APEX Fun Run.  You’re invited to come and join the fun by marking t-shirts, running or waking, or just cheering from the sidelines.
  • Marsh Madness field trip slips went home today!  Please sign and return the field trip permission slip form and the Liability Waiver.
  • Music class is beginning on Wednesday, September 5th and will continue through December on most Wednesday mornings.  Your child will bring home a “Recorder Rental Sheet” for you to sign so that they may “rent” a recorder to play.  THANK YOU PFO!!