Monthly Archives: December 2017

Gratitude for giving students and parents

Your children gave generously to support an EGUSD family in need.  Many students donated $1 up to $10 to help a family adopted by the Sunrise Elementary NEHS.  We collected funds to purchase a gift card to Food Source.

A BIG THANK YOU to the parent volunteers who helped out with Colonial Day and chaperoned our field trip to SaveMart.  Shout out to Andres’s dad, Mr. Martinez who had a station of his own on Native American customs.  AWESOME!

A recap of December:

ELA:  Spelling – we finished with r-Controlled syllables.

Grammar – we finished with possessive plural nouns. Some students still need practice/review with plural nouns and possessive nouns; however, most of the students mastered them.

Writing – we have introduced “thesis” for essays and have begun prewriting our Magellan essay (see Social Studies).

BOX BOOK REPORT ~ information was sent on Monday, December 18, 2017. The Book Report is due on February 9, 2018.

Math:  we are still working on fractions in Chapter 6, Add and Subtract Fractions with Unlike Denominators. We had to take a few extra days to review equivalent fractions. We will continue in Chapter 6 when we track back on.

Social Studies:  We began a Document Based Question (DBQ) on the explorer Magellan. Our question is: “Was Magellan worth defending?” We have analyzed five primary and secondary documents and have begun our “prewriting” (informal outlines) for our essay. We will draft the essays on the Chrome Books in Google Classroom.

12/20, Wednesday: Track Off and Minimum Day

Return on February 5th, Monday

01/03 Family Life Education Parent Preview night @ District Office 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

02/05 Track On! Same room, same time 🙂

02/06 Drama musical “Jungle Book”

02/08 Family Life Education Parent Preview night @ District Office 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

02/09 Box Book Report DUE

02/12 Lincoln’s Birthday observed – no school

02/16 2nd Trimester Grading Period Ends

02/19 Washington’s Birthday observed – no school

Have a Happy New Year!