Monthly Archives: October 2017

Synergy is our Friend and Congratulations to Ashley

Ashley is representing us in the School Wide Spelling Bee!   Congratulations Ashley!

Synergy is our Friend: Parents can keep up-to-date on grades and assignments with Synergy! Synergy can also alert parents to which papers are being sent home in the Wednesday Folders.

Ways to help your child in class:

  • With your child, check the Homework Planner/Agenda each night and initial it. Some homework assignments are not being completed because the student says, “I forgot” and they didn’t check their agenda.
  • Check that they have completed their homework, and completed it correctly.
  • Review and discuss with your child what books they are reading.
  • Check Accelerated Reader that they are taking tests on the books that they are reading.
  • Check that your child is reading a book on their AR level (is noted our school’s library books and our classroom’s library books). A copy of their most recent level should be found in the Homework Binder.
  • Check your child’s up-to-date grades on Synergy
  • Check for the graded papers and review and discuss with your child the corrected papers. Often times, I will also make notes in the “Comments” section on Synergy.
  • Some assignments can only be reviewed on Google Classroom ~ check it out. 🙂

Google Classroom:  We have been using Google Classroom for assignments and tests.  Please check your child’s account to review the work that they have completed.

New trimester: The Accelerated Reader goal for the second trimester is 23 points.  As a reminder, students can take AR tests during their library time, as an Early Finisher activity in class, after school on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays in the computer lab, and on Wednesdays in the library.  Students know how to check how many points they have on line.  As a parent, you can also check their points and request to receive e-mails from the program each time your child takes a test.

Think Central/Go Math!  I assigned the Chapter 3 review (that we normally complete in the text book) on the Personal Math Trainer (PMT).  I received feedback from a parent that it was really helpful.  Thus, I will assign more PMT for the lessons, too.  Feel free to have your child review them if you notice that they need additional practice.

The students also have access to Animated Math Model skills on Think Central/Go Math!. I have assigned some of the skills to the class, but students can access and practice other skills independently by searching in their “Library”.

PARENT VOLUNTEERS needed: for Colonial Day on Friday, November 17th and for out field trip to SaveMart on Wednesday, December 6th.

Colonial Day, November 17th: 5th grade hosts a Colonial Day each year where the students dress as colonists and spend the day living like colonists playing games, cooking, and doing activities.  This year, our classroom will be honoring the Native Americans who were the inhabitants of the land at the time the colonists arrived.

We will need parent volunteers to run the stations in our classroom. Please let me know if you’re interested.  We will also need some supply donations.  More information to come . . .

The months of November and December:

ELA:  Spelling: open syllables, vowel team syllables, consonant + le syllables, and r-Controlled syllables.

Grammar –continue with nouns: common, proper, abstract, concrete, plural, and collective nouns.

Genre: Persuasive Article and Expository Text; Comprehension strategy and skill: Reread and Author’s Point of View, and Reread and Problem/Solution respectively. Vocabulary Strategy: Greek and Latin Prefixes and Context Clues

Math:  we will finish Chapter 4, Multiply Decimals by November 1st: The Chapter 4 test will be on approximately November 7th.

We will begin Chapter 5, Divide Decimals the week of November 6th. The chapter 5 test will be approximately November 17th to November 28th.

We are scheduled to complete Chapter 6, Add and Subtract Fractions with Unlike Denominators before we track off on December 20th.

Science:  We will finish investigating planets and the solar system and study Gravity and Orbit. We will begin studying Matter.

Social Studies:  We will study The Age of Exploration.


11/03, Friday: Sunrise Spelling Bee 8:40 am – 10:40 am

11/08, Wednesday: Harvest of the Month (HOTM) ~ apples

11/09 Survey ~ Social Emotional Learning and Culture/Climate student survey (students will bring home “Opt Out” forms

11/10, Friday: Veterans’ Day ~ no school

11/15, Wednesday: Jump rope for Heart

11/17, Friday: Colonial Day 8:30 am to 11:40 am and Minimum Day:  Dismissal at 12:45 pm

Week of November 20 Thanksgiving Break ~ No school

12/04, Monday: Candy Grams go on sale

12/06, Wednesday: Field Trip to SaveMart

12/20, Wednesday: Track-Off and Minimum Day

Track-on: February 5th, Monday



Back on and nearing the end of the 1st Trimester

Welcome Back! The end of the 1st Trimester is quickly approaching: 10/10 is when the 1st Trimester Grading Period Ends.  As a reminder, Accelerated Reading (AR) counts for 10% of the students’ reading grades.  The goal for the first trimester is 20 points.  So far, only a few students have met that goal.  :0

Students can take AR tests during their library time, as an Early Finisher activity in class, after school on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays in the computer lab, and on Wednesdays in the library. Students know how to check how many points they have on line.  As a parent, you can also check their points and request to receive e-mails from the program each time your child takes a test.

This month:

ELA:  Spelling Unit 2, Weeks 3-5: inflectional endings; contractions; and closed syllables. Grammar – More Sentences/run-on sentences and fragments; Nouns: common, proper, abstract, concrete, plural, and collective nouns.

Genre: Biography; Comprehension strategy and skill: Ask and Answer Questions/Text Structure; reread and Author’s Point of View, respectively. Vocabulary Strategy: Greek roots; and Greek and Latin Prefixes

Math:  we finish Chapter 3: The Chapter 3 test will be on approximately October17th, Tuesday. Add and Subtract Decimals; and begin Chapter 4: Multiply Decimals

Science:  We continue our investigation into space. We have investigated the Earth’s Rotation and its relation to Day and Night and time; the Earth’s revolution and constellation changes with the season. We will investigate seasonal changes and the sun’s path; moon’s phases and the lunar cycle; and the planets and the solar system.

Social Studies:  We are studying North American Native Americans and how the geography and climate affected the way they lived. The students will be creating a group project for a specific region. You should have already seen and initialed the rubric for the project.

October has been and will continue to be a very busy month! We are meeting with our kindergarten buddies in the next week to create October art for our office bulletin board.  Please come and view it.

Additional dates and activities that have been added:

10/10, Tuesday: 1st Trimester Grading Period Ends

10/17, Tuesday: Chapter 3 Math Test (?)

10/24, Tuesday: Character Ed Assembly for Responsibility; Report Cards home and Minimum Day:  Dismissal at 12:45 pm

10/25, Wednesday: Class Spelling Bee ~ (School-wide Spelling Bee on Thursday, 11/30)