Monthly Archives: August 2017

PFO, Progress Reports, and more

Join the Sunrise Elementary PFO! Visit the website:  We are so fortunate to have so many wonderful parents leading the PFO – they have really contributed a lot to our school, making it a fun, happy place to be.  Please show your support by joining!!

Progress reports and deficiency notices are being sent home tomorrow, Friday. As stated in an e-mail: “The first trimester Progress Report is always a difficult one for teachers.  We have only been in school for five weeks and two of those weeks were filled with teaching the class procedures, getting to know each other, and assessing students.  Giving you a real idea of where your student is at this point is a challenge.  I will be sending out another Progress Report before we track off that will be a little closer to reality considering the class will have had more opportunities to show me what they can do.”

I am sending home deficiency notices to students who scored low on a test. Tests are worth a higher percentage of their grade, and thus with only one test, their grades are skewed at this time.

This week:

ELA:  Spelling Unit 1, Week 4 r-controlled vowel sound-spellings; Grammar – Compound Sentences/run-on sentences

Genre: Realistic Fiction; Comprehension strategy and skill: reread and Problem/Solution, respectively. Vocabulary Strategy: idioms

Math:  Chapter 2 Divide Whole Numbers

The following weeks before we track off:

ELA:  Spelling more r-controlled vowels, diphthongs, and variant vowels sound-spellings; Grammar – sentence combining and complex sentences; then, more run-on sentences and fragments

Genre: Narrative Nonfiction; Comprehension strategy and skill: reread and Author’s Point of View, respectively. Vocabulary Strategy: Greek and Latin prefixes

Math:  finishing Chapter 2 Divide Whole Numbers and beginning Chapter 3 Add and Subtract Decimals

Upcoming Dates:

Jamba Juice sales are on Thursdays!


08/21, Monday: Solar Eclipse (special safety glasses will be provided to view)

08/22, Tuesday: 8:30 am – 9:30 am Coffee talk with Mr. Hock (cafeteria)

08/29, Tuesday: Chapter 2 Math test


09/04, Monday: Labor Day ~ no school

09/08, Friday: Track off and Minimum Day:  Dismissal at 12:45 pm

09/08, Thursday:  1st PFO General Meeting (Portable R2)

Track Back On: October 2nd, Monday

News . . .

News . . .

  • Wednesday Folders/Files went home these last two weeks on Friday!   This year the upper grades (4th through 6th grades) were not supplied with actual folders. The students receive their “files” and are expected to put their work and notices in their Homework Planners.
  • Grades for assignments are being entered into our new system, Synergy. You should be able to access the grades using the Synergy ParentVUE. The grades entered so far do not include any test grades, which are worth a higher percentage of their overall grade than classwork and homework.
  • I have been e-mailing the class via our Synergy system, and I was informed that the e-mailing system has had a few “bugs”. Some parents may not have received the e-mails and updates.
  • Scholastic Book Orders were in last week’s Wednesday’s (Friday’s) folders/files. The orders are due this Thursday, August 10th. If you’d like to order on-line, our classroom Class Activation Code is: HZPJV
  • The “Cold Comprehension” writing rubric with a sample writing went home today for your child to share with you how they will be graded on the twice – three times monthly tests.

This week:

ELA:  Spelling Unit 1, Week 3 /u/ sound-spellings; Grammar – Subjects and predicates

Genre: Realistic Fiction; Comprehension strategy and skill: reread and Problem/Solution, respectively.

Math:  We finished Chapter 1, Place Value, Multiplication, and Expressions; Chapter 1 TEST will be on Friday, August 11th. We will begin Chapter 2, Divide Whole Numbers prior to the Chapter 1 test.

Upcoming Dates:


08/09, Wednesday: Track Change Day; B Tracks Off/ A Tracks On ~ Minimum

      Day: Dismissal at 12:45 pm

08/10, Thursday: Scholastic book orders are DUE

08/18 Deficiency Notices sent home

08/11, Friday: we will meet our Kinder buddies

08/21, Monday: Solar Eclipse (special safety glasses will be provided to view)


09/04, Monday: Labor Day ~ no school

09/08, Friday: Track off and minimum day