Monthly Archives: March 2017

APEX Fun Run is coming!

Hello Track C and D Sunrise Spartans,

The APEX team of superstars will be back next week for the APEX FUN RUN, which is a fitness, character building, and fundraising event.  Find your child’s pledge packet in the lanyard on Monday, and go online with your child’s code to pick out the FREE TEE for APEX

APEX challenges students to get pledges for laps they will run on Thursday, April 6thTwo Cheer Squad Leaders from our class (parent volunteers) are invited and needed on Thursday, April 6th to cheer student runners and mark the laps that are run.  PROFITS FROM THE APEX FUN RUN WILL BE SPLIT EQUALLY BETWEEN SUNRISE ELEMENTARY AND MCGARVEY ELEMENTARY.

The APEX campaign kicks off with high-energy, fun-filled kick off assemblies next week in the Multipurpose Room. Each day, students will participate in lessons which build LEGENDARY character:  Learn, Engage, Give, Empower, Never Quit, Do

Join us to cheer on Thursday, April 6th

Fun Run Schedule on the Track & Playground

8:30 – 9:15        2nd & 3rd grade

9:30 – 10:15      AM Kinder, 1st, 4th grade

11:30 – 12:15     PM Kinder, 5th, 6th grade

Please check out the pledge kit that your student will bring home soon with all of the details.  If you have questions please contact the Sunrise PFO at

Thanks for your support!

We appreciate your support of this profitable and fun program!


Sam Dougherty, PFO President

Sunrise Elementary PFO 2016-2017 General Board

Mrs. Aboukhadijeh (Teacher Liaison)

Kristi Brovelli (Marketing/Communications)

Mrs. Caston-Conner (Teacher Liaison)

Jen Corcoran (Events)

Sam Dougherty (President)

Ms. Freeman (Vice Principal)

Mr. Hock (Principal)

Lindsay King (Secretary)

Jen Larson (Box Tops Coordinator)

Jaci McAleer (Treasurer)

Erin Seymour (Administrative)

Mrs. Stanger (Teacher Liaison)

Lisa Swanson (Yearbook)

Messina Whalen (Vice President)

Sheree Wheeler (Events)

Anjeleeca Wood (Events)

April 11th: New, Upcoming Exploratorium Field Trip

We are going to the Exploratorium in San Francisco on April 11th!  Due to a grant by the City of Rancho Cordova, students will only have to pay approximately $10 each.

  • We will be departing the school at 7:45 am and returning at approximately 4:00 pm
  • Students will need to bring a sack lunch (or order one from the cafeteria)
  • Students will need to wear “walking shoes” to walk over the Golden Gate Bridge.
  • Parent Chaperones are needed!
  • More information is coming soon.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

This past week we conquered graphing. The Math Chapter 9 test will be next Friday, March 24th. We also studied Chapter 4, Earth’s Water, in Science. We will begin Chapter 5, Earth’s Weather, next week. We practiced and identified perfect verb tenses. We completed and typed the Magellan essay. Students will be editing and submitting next week, so please read through on their Google Classroom J.

Next week (week of 03/06):

March 22, Tuesday: C/D Tracks STEM Challenges Family Night

March 24, Friday: Kaiser “Best of Me” presentation


ELA:  Spelling Unit 5, Week 3 Prefixes (jumping ahead); ELC: Linking Verbs;

Genre: Poetry: Narrative and Free Verse; Literary elements: Repetition and Rhyme; Comprehension skill: theme; and Vocabulary strategy: homographs. (finishing)

Writing: we will finalize our Magellan essay.

Math:  We will be finishing Chapter 9, Algebra: Patterns and Graphing; Chapter 9 TEST will be next Friday, March 24. We preview/preteach Chapter 11, Lessons 5 and 6, Volume on Wednesday.

Science:  We will begin Chapter 6, Earth’s Weather

2nd Trimester Report Cards sent home

Report cards were sent home today!  Ask your child to share their “3 Truths and a Lie” slide show presentation with you. Also, as a reminder, please check your child’s homework and sign their agenda. If you have not paid the $6 for the American Revolution presentation, we are still accepting donations.  🙂  We are also in need of more facial tissue (Kleenex). We have some additional activities added to our March/April calendar:

March 13, Monday: Picture Make up day

March 10, Friday: STEM Challenges Family Night forms DUE

March 22, Tuesday: C/D Tracks STEM Challenges Family Night; forms DUE Friday, March 10

April 7, Friday: DUE: ACD Tracks FIVE STAR Families Volunteer Passport with at least 5 volunteer times logged

Next week (week of 03/06):

ELA:  Spelling Unit 4, Week 2 Prefixes; ELC: Progressive verb tenses

Genre: Poetry: Narrative and Free Verse; Literary elements: Repetition and Rhyme; Comprehension skill: theme; and Vocabulary strategy: homographs.

Writing: We will begin drafting our Magellan essay.

Math:  We will be finishing Chapter 8, Divide Fractions; Chapter 8 TEST will be next Friday, March 10. We will begin Chapter 9, Algebra: Patterns and Graphing on Wednesday.

Social Studies: The Chapter 4 test will be Tuesday, March 7th.

PE: Mrs. Davis is getting the 5th grade students ready for their State of California fitness test in a couple of months.