Daily Archives: February 3, 2017

Happy 2017 and Welcome Back!

Happy New Year! We’re tracking back on next Monday, February 6th in our same classroom, E8.  I hope that you have had a restful and enjoyable break.  We have an eventful 3rd trimester planned.  I’ve listed activities and dates below.

2017 Dates:

  • February 13th: Lincoln’s Birthday – no school
  • February 20th: Washington’s Birthday – no school
  • February 17th: SPCA Presentation (in classroom) Live dog in classroom
  • March 3rd: 2nd Trimester Report Cards go home
  • March 14th: Ancient Artifacts Presentation – (in classroom)
  • March 16th: Paper book exchange – bring books (exchange on the 17th)
  • March 27th: APEX Fun Run Kick Off
  • April 6th: APEX Fun Run (we will need 2 parent volunteers)
  • April 28th: Community Carnival
  • June 6th: Exploratorium field trip
  • June 8th: Open House
  • June 16th: California State Capitol field trip
  • June 21st: Splash in the Class (in classroom)