Tracking On Monday, October 3rd, same room E8

Welcome back!  We are tracking back on October 3rd in the same room, Rm E8.  I hope that everyone had a restful break that was full of enjoyable reading.

We have been scheduled for a field trip to the CA Caverns on Monday, October 17th, from 8:15 am to 2:45 pm.  Please notify me ASAP if your child will need a sack lunch prepared by the cafeteria.  Also, the field trip is scheduled until 2:45 pm, so if your child is a bus rider, please make an alternate plan for them to be picked up from school that afternoon.

October Dates:

October 5th, Wednesday:  National Walk-to-School Day

October 12th, Wednesday:  Excel Picture Make-up Day (C Track)

October 13th, Thursday:  Coffee Talk with Hock, 8:30 am to 9:30 am

October 17th, Monday:  California Caverns field trip, 8:15 am to 2:45 pm (will need a sack lunch)

October 19th, Wednesday:  City of Rancho Cordova Community Meeting, 5 pm in multi-purpose room

October 20th, Thursday:  PFO FUNdraiser Event at Pieology Pizzeria, 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm

October 24th, Monday:  Academic Awards

October 25th, Tuesday:  MINIMUM DAY, 12:45 pm dismissal; Character Awards (Responsibility); Super heroes Spirit Day; Report Cards go home (A and C Tracks)

October 31st, Halloween:  NO costumes, and please no candy.