Monthly Archives: September 2016

Tracking On Monday, October 3rd, same room E8

Welcome back!  We are tracking back on October 3rd in the same room, Rm E8.  I hope that everyone had a restful break that was full of enjoyable reading.

We have been scheduled for a field trip to the CA Caverns on Monday, October 17th, from 8:15 am to 2:45 pm.  Please notify me ASAP if your child will need a sack lunch prepared by the cafeteria.  Also, the field trip is scheduled until 2:45 pm, so if your child is a bus rider, please make an alternate plan for them to be picked up from school that afternoon.

October Dates:

October 5th, Wednesday:  National Walk-to-School Day

October 12th, Wednesday:  Excel Picture Make-up Day (C Track)

October 13th, Thursday:  Coffee Talk with Hock, 8:30 am to 9:30 am

October 17th, Monday:  California Caverns field trip, 8:15 am to 2:45 pm (will need a sack lunch)

October 19th, Wednesday:  City of Rancho Cordova Community Meeting, 5 pm in multi-purpose room

October 20th, Thursday:  PFO FUNdraiser Event at Pieology Pizzeria, 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm

October 24th, Monday:  Academic Awards

October 25th, Tuesday:  MINIMUM DAY, 12:45 pm dismissal; Character Awards (Responsibility); Super heroes Spirit Day; Report Cards go home (A and C Tracks)

October 31st, Halloween:  NO costumes, and please no candy.

Track off tomorrow, September 9th

We are tracking off tomorrow, September 9th!  It is a minimum day (dismissal is at 12:45 pm).  Our track-on date is Monday, October 3rd.

Updated Progress Reports will be sent home tomorrow, as well.  Final report cards will be sent  home on Tuesday, October 25th.

I’m not preparing an off-track packet nor project.  Instead, please take your child to the public library, read a book(s) together, and discuss it.  Share with them your favorite parts, your predictions, and what you visualized and were thinking while reading the book.  Ask them to reciprocate and share their thoughts and opinions about the book.  The Think Central (GoMath!) and Wonders website will be available to practice or peruse while we are off-track.

Please enjoy the next few weeks.

School events occurring while we are off-track:

Wednesday, September 14:  Community Art Night with Art Ark

Tuesday, September:  PFO Dinner Out at clubhouse from 5 pm to 8 pm

Wednesday, September 21:  PFO General Board Meeting 3:00 pm