End of first full week of school :)

I have had a good first week with your children. We have been practicing procedures and working collaboratively with our groups.  We are still working on the introduction to our new Wonders (Language Arts program).  Thus we haven’t yet begun reading from our anthologies.  We will begin reading from them by mid-week next week (week of July 25th).  Thank you to Jordan’s mom who made our copies for the next week!  Two other parents have inquired about volunteering, too.  Wow, THANKS so much!  And, thank you so much for the donated supplies!!

Mr. T Harding (6th Grade) has established Spartan TV for our school.  Spartan TV will have stories highlighting our students and classes here at Sunrise.  Students are in charge of filming, editing, interviewing, etc.  If you have filled out an “EGUSD Student Opt Out” form, we will be careful not to have your child interviewed or caught on camera. The Spartan TV Links are:



http://www.egusd.net (You tube)



Upcoming Dates:

July 27th, Wednesday:  Picture Day for B and C Tracks; Field Trip forms for The Discovery Museum are due

August 1st:  Spartan TV Air

August 4th, Thursday:  The Discovery Museum Field Trip

August 5th, Friday:  Minimum Day; 12:45 pm dismissal

Week of July 25th:

English Language Arts: Begin Wonders program:  Spelling is short vowels sound spelling; Grammar:  sentences

Math: continue with Chapter 1:  Place Value, Multiplication, and Expressions; Mid-Chapter 1 quiz on Friday; Board Math quizzes are every Friday

Science: we began with Chapter 6, The Solar System.  A quiz on Lesson 1 (The Sun) is scheduled for Tuesday