Chimpanzees are apes, like orangutans and  gorillas.  They live in the tropical forests and grasslands south of the Sahara Desert. During the day chimpanzees spend most of their time in trees, sometimes swinging from branch to branch.  On the ground, chimpanzees travel on all fours when walking.

Chimpanzees forage for food about six to eight hours a day. Chimpanzees eat both plants and animals.  they feed on fruit, leaves, seeds, , insects, and occasionally meat.  Chimpanzees grow to be about 4 feet tall and weigh 100 to 120 pounds. 

Unlike most animals, chimpanzees use tools. For instance, chimps fish for termites using a long piece of grass.  Chimpanzees also sometimes use stones and sticks to throw or as clubs to hit. 

Young chimps stay with their parents for 7 to 10 years, learning to find food, make nests and grooming.  Chimps can live to be up to 50 years old.

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