Casey News: October 24-25 & OFF TRACK

Fabulous A Track Families,

I am sending our weekly newsletter today since I will be out of the classroom tomorrow meeting with many of you for parent teacher conferences. Mr. Martin will be subbing for me. I look forward to meeting with many you to discuss your child’s progress during the 1st trimester. Attached you will find our final newsletter before we track off. Please read it. Also attached is the MobyMax log-in information for those who would like to use it for extra practice during off-track time.

Trimester 1 Progress: What a great start to 3rd grade! I have the most amazingly hard working 3rd graders! I am so proud of all of my students and their accomplishments. My philosophy, grades are a tool for teachers and parents to communicate about progress towards grade level standards and expectations. I am sending home with reports cards (or handing out at conferences) tools you can use during off track time to work on areas of need. This is optional. Sharing report card grades with your child is up to you. At this age, I don’t place too much value on letter grades with students, rather focus on areas they are doing well on and work with them on areas they struggle in.

Please note: During off track time, I will be out of the country for one week and out of the state for another. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me before we track off. I will not be checking email regularly.

Reminders before we track off:

  • Monday students are encouraged to wear red for Red Ribbon Week.
  • Trimester 1 Academic Awards assembly will be Monday, October 24th at 8:40 AM in the MP Room.
  • Character Awards Assembly for Responsibility will be Tuesday, October 25th at 9:10 in the MP Room.
  • Tuesday, October 25th is Track Change day – we go off track!
  • Tuesday, October 25th is a spirit day – Super Hero Day!
  • Report cards will go home on Track Change day to families I have not conferenced with.

October 26 – November 25: Off Track

Off Track time is a time for students to have a break from school (like summer break). I will not assign homework during this time, however students are encouraged to continue to read and can get a jump start on Trimester 2 AR goals by reading and coming to school during designated times to take AR quizzes.

When we return November 28 – March 3: Room C2 Red Dot#53

Have a great weekend!


Casey News: October 17-21

Happy Friday,

A few dates …

  • We are collecting canned food from now until we track off in support of our school wide Kids Can food drive. Please support our efforts by sending in canned/non-perishable food items to be donated to local families in need.
  • October 20th PFO dinner out – Pieology 4-9PM
  • Jamba Juice sales on Friday, October 21
  • Trimester 1 Academic Awards assembly will be Monday, October 24th at 8:40 AM in the MP Room. I will send invites to parents in a separate email if your child will be receiving an award.
  • Character Awards Assembly for Responsibility will be Tuesday, October 25th at 9:10 in the MP Room.
  • Tuesday, October 25th is Track Change day – we go off track!
  • Tuesday, October 25th is a spirit day – Super Hero Day!
  • Report cards will go home on Track Change day.

I have a packed day of parent conferences on Friday, October 21st. If you are unable to make your scheduled conference time please let me know as soon as possible. I have a few parents who would like to fill open spots. THANK YOU!

October 26 – November 25: Off Track

Off Track time is a time for students to have a break from school (like summer break). I will not assign homework during this time, however students are encouraged to continue to read and can get a jump start on Trimester 2 AR goals by reading and coming to school during designated times to take AR quizzes. I will send more information on this as we get closer to tracking off but as a reminder for A Track families:

When we return November 28 – March 3: Room C2 Red Dot#53

Have a great weekend!

Samantha Casey

MobyMax Log-in

I have signed all student up on Moby Max and we’ve started using it in class, primarily for Math Fact practice. Student log-in information went home last Wednesday.

Moby Max is a great tool for students to use for extra practice at home. I do not assign a great deal of homework (the district minimum) in hopes that families have the extra time to focus on areas of need (extra reading, spelling, or math). Students may use any aspect of MobyMax, just know this will not count in lieu of math or reading homework, which I assign each night Monday – Thursday. This can be used in addition for extra practice.

I’ve changed each student’s log in account. The generic password of “school” will no longer work.

Your child will continue to use their EGUSD ID # for their user name.

Their password is no longer “school”… it has been changed to their AR password (color#).

Students are aware of the change but I wanted to make you aware as well.

How Your Students Sign In

Use one or all three easy options.

Option 1: Select School

Have your students go to and then select their school.


Option 2: School Code

Have your students go to and enter in the school code: ca8733


Option 3: Unique School URL

Have your students go to the unique school URL: and then bookmark the page or put this link on your school webpage.


Happy exploring!



Casey News: Sept. 19-23, 2016



Happy Friday 3rd Grade Families,

This month we are focusing on the character trait of being Resilient.

  • I will work to solve problems.
  • I will challenge myself.
  • I will persevere and be patient.
  • I will do my best.

Congratulations to Andreya!!! She is our Student of Character this week.

Information & Reminders:

  • Library Monday
  • PFO Dinner out is Tuesday 5-8 at the clubhouse
  • Picture Make-up day is Wednesday
  • PE Wednesday & Friday – Please note: PE days are subject to change. Students should wear shoes they can be active in each day.
  • On Friday we get to attend an on campus fieldtrip to the Crocker Art Truck! The Crocker’s Art Ark, a mobile art education center designed for students in pre-K through 8th grades, brings original works of art and activities to schools throughout the region. On the road with different exhibitions since 1980, the Art Ark is distinguished in the nation as one of the first mobile art museums and one of the few to include hands-on learning.
  • PFO Jamba Juice on Friday

Classroom Volunteers: Please sign up here for volunteer opportunities August – October 2016.

What are we learning this week?

Attached you will find an information sheet describing our learning goals in Language Arts for the next two weeks. Please read to find information on the reading strategies, skills, and vocabulary we will focus on. On the blog you can find a list of spelling words as examples of the spelling patterns we will focus on. This list had also been provided in your child’s homework binder. We are on Week 3 of spelling.

In Math we will begin Chapter 3: Understanding Multiplication. Please see the attached vocabulary sheet as a reference for our learning goals for this chapter. You can visit the GoMath Think Central website if you’d like examples of our daily lessons for this chapter. There are games and other activities for the students to work on from home for extra practice. If your child loses their nightly math homework, it can be printed from this website as well.

In Social Studies we are studying Geography. We continue to learn about maps, map skills, landforms, and other geography terms.

In Science we’re learning about Biomes. We’re exploring the desert, grasslands, temperate forest, tropical rain forest, and arctic region. We will focus on life cycles and animal and plant adaptations. We continue our work on our Biome Books.

Casey News: Sept. 12-16, 2016

Happy Friday 3rd Grade Families

This month we are focusing on the character trait of being Resilient.

  • I will work to solve problems.
  • I will challenge myself.
  • I will persevere and be patient.
  • I will do my best.

Congratulations to Angelica!!! She is our Student of Character this week.

Information & Reminders:

  • Library Monday
  • PE Wednesday & Friday
  • On Thursday we get to attend an on campus fieldtrip to the Crocker Art Truck! The Crocker’s Art Ark, a mobile art education center designed for students in pre-K through 8th grades, brings original works of art and activities to schools throughout the region. On the road with different exhibitions since 1980, the Art Ark is distinguished in the nation as one of the first mobile art museums and one of the few to include hands-on learning.
  • On Friday, Mrs. Hatfield will join us for an Art Docent lesson! Thank you Mrs. Hatfield for your support!


Book Order due by Friday, Sept. 16th! It’s Scholastic Book Order time! Ordering online is fast and easy:

Order online at

  •  VISIT
  •  ENTER the one-time Class Activation Code GWDPZ.
  •  SHOP all the amazing books and value packs.
  •  SUBMIT your order online and earn FREE Books for our classroom.
  •  All book orders will be shipped to our classroom so we can celebrate the joy of reading together!

LAST CALL to sign up!!! Trimester 1 Parent/Teacher Conferences: As mentioned at Back to School Night, on a year-round calendar Parent/Teacher Conferences are not required and minimum days are not provided in our calendar to conference. I would like to meet with those families who would like to conference. This can however be challenging without the minimum days. In order to have ample time to meet, I am planning to take a sub day on Friday, October 21st. A sub will cover my class and I will be offering back-to-back conference slots. If this date does not work for you, and you would like to conference, please email or call and we can work something out for another time that week.

Please use the attached sign-up genius to schedule a conference.


Classroom Volunteers:

  • This year I will use Sign-up Genius to manage our classroom volunteers. I will send 1 sign-up for each trimester. If you have a set day you’d like to come each week, please let me know, otherwise please sign up here for volunteer opportunities August – October 2016.


  • Pretty Please J…Calling all party planners!!! Do you like to plan parties, do crafts, love Pinterest? I am looking for a few parent volunteers who would like to take charge of planning our holiday party. We will have 3 parties this year. Our first party will be a holiday theme party on Tuesday, December 20th 12:15-2:45. Ideally I would like a few parents to take charge and plan as you wish. I have a small budget to start and we generally ask the families for donations (either items or money to support the fun). I usually ask parents to plan 4 stations containing a combination of art/craft (a possible holiday gift for a family member), a yummy treat, etc. I’m open to your crafty ideas. I do like to keep it simple, each station taking no more than 20-30 minutes.

What are we learning this week?

Attached you will find an information sheet describing our learning goals in Language Arts for the next two weeks. Please read to find information on the reading strategies, skills, and vocabulary we will focus on. On the blog you can find a list of spelling words as examples of the spelling patterns we will focus on. This list had also been provided in your child’s homework binder. We are on Week 2 of spelling.

In Math we wrap up Chapter 2: Representing and Interpreting Data. We will have our chapter test next Wednesday or Thursday. Please see the attached vocabulary sheet as a reference for our learning goals for this chapter. You can visit the GoMath Think Central website if you’d like examples of our daily lessons for this chapter. There are games and other activities for the students to work on from home for extra practice. If your child loses their nightly math homework, it can be printed from this website as well.

In Social Studies we are studying Geography. We continue to learn about maps, map skills, landforms, and other geography terms.

In Science we’re learning about Biomes. We’re exploring the desert, grasslands, temperate forest, tropical rain forest, and arctic region. We will focus on life cycles and animal and plant adaptations. We continue our work on our Biome Books.

This month in Physical Education/Health/Nutrition we will kick off the SHAPE program and experience our first Harvest of the Month – green beans (YUMMY).

The objectives of the Harvest of the Month program include:

  • Increasing students’ access to fruits and vegetable through school meal programs, classrooms, school gardens, farmer’s markets, grocery stores and community gardens. We will take a fieldtrip later this year to the EGUSD food processing plant for a tour!
  • Stressing the importance of participation in daily physical activity and understanding why it is important.
  • Increasing students’ knowledge of and familiarity with California-grown fruits and vegetables and the rich agricultural bounty of the state. Each month we get to learn about and taste a new fruit or vegetable!

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Casey News September 5-9, 2016

Happy Friday 3rd Grade Families

Congratulations to Kate!!! She is our Student of Character this week. This month we are focusing on Responsibility. Responsible students come to class on time and are ready to work. They complete their homework, are accountable for their decisions, and are honest and trustworthy. Thank you Kate for being a Responsible Spartan!

Information & Reminders:

  • Monday is a holiday! I hope you all enjoy a nice 3 day weekend!
  • Next Friday, September 9th is a minimum day for Track Change. Students are dismissed at 12:45.
  • Next Friday, September 9th we will be honoring our Students of Character for Responsibility. We look forward to honoring Nicholas, Emma, Daniel, and Kate in the MP room for an assembly 9:10-9:35.
  • Your child’s chapter 1 math test score is available to view online at Think Central. See the attached handout on how to log in. Click on “My Test Scores” to view results.


It’s Scholastic Book Order time! Ordering online is fast and easy:

Order online at by September 16th

  •  VISIT
  •  ENTER the one-time Class Activation Code GWDPZ.
  •  SHOP all the amazing books and value packs.
  •  SUBMIT your order online and earn FREE Books for our classroom.
  •  All book orders will be shipped to our classroom so we can celebrate the joy of reading together!

Trimester 1 Parent/Teacher Conferences: As mentioned at Back to School Night, on a year-round calendar Parent/Teacher Conferences are not required and minimum days are not provided in our calendar to conference. I would like to meet with those families who would like to conference. This can however be challenging without the minimum days. In order to have ample time to meet, I am planning to take a sub day on Friday, October 21st. A sub will cover my class and I will be offering back-to-back conference slots. If this date does not work for you, and you would like to conference, please email or call and we can work something out for another time that week.

Please use the attached sign-up genius to schedule a conference.


Classroom Volunteers:

  • This year I will use Sign-up Genius to manage our classroom volunteers. I will send 1 sign-up for each trimester. If you have a set day you’d like to come each week, please let me know, otherwise please sign up here for volunteer opportunities August – October 2016.


  • Calling all party planners!!! Do you like to plan parties, do crafts, love Pinterest? I am looking for a few parent volunteers who would like to take charge of planning our holiday party. We will have 3 parties this year. Our first party will be a holiday theme party on Tuesday, December 20th 12:15-2:45. Ideally I would like a few parents to take charge and plan as you wish. I have a small budget to start and we generally ask the families for donations (either items or money to support the fun). I usually ask parents to plan 4 stations containing a combination of art/craft (a possible holiday gift for a family member), a yummy treat, etc. I’m open to your crafty ideas. I do like to keep it simple, each station taking no more than 20-30 minutes.

What are we learning this week?

Attached you will find an information sheet describing our learning goals in Language Arts for the next two weeks. Please read to find information on the reading strategies, skills, and vocabulary we will focus on. On the blog you can find a list of spelling words as examples of the spelling patterns we will focus on. This list had also been provided in your child’s homework binder. We are on Week 2 of spelling.

In Math we began Chapter 2: Representing and Interpreting Data. Please see the attached vocabulary sheet as a reference for our learning goals for this chapter. You can visit the GoMath Think Central website if you’d like examples of our daily lessons for this chapter. There are games and other activities for the students to work on from home for extra practice. If your child loses their nightly math homework, it can be printed from this website as well.

In Social Studies we are studying Geography. We continue to learn about maps, map skills, landforms, and other geography terms.

In Science we’re learning about Biomes. We’re exploring the desert, grasslands, temperate forest, tropical rain forest, and arctic region. We will focus on life cycles and animal and plant adaptations. We continue our work on our Biome Books.

This month in Physical Education/Health/Nutrition we will kick off the SHAPE program and experience our first Harvest of the Month – green beans (YUMMY).

The objectives of the Harvest of the Month program include:

  • Increasing students’ access to fruits and vegetable through school meal programs, classrooms, school gardens, farmer’s markets, grocery stores and community gardens. We will take a fieldtrip later this year to the EGUSD food processing plant for a tour!
  • Stressing the importance of participation in daily physical activity and understanding why it is important.
  • Increasing students’ knowledge of and familiarity with California-grown fruits and vegetables and the rich agricultural bounty of the state. Each month we get to learn about and taste a new fruit or vegetable!

Have a wonderful 3 day weekend!!!

Samantha Casey

3rd Grade Teacher

A Track




Casey News: Aug. 29 – Sept. 2

Happy Friday 3rd Grade Families

Congratulations to Daniel!!! He is our Student of Character this week. This month we are focusing on Responsibility. Responsible students come to class on time and are ready to work. They complete their homework, are accountable for their decisions, and are honest and trustworthy. Thank you Daniel for being a Responsible Spartan!

Classroom Volunteers:

· This year I will use Sign-up Genius to manage our classroom volunteers. I will send 1 sign-up for each trimester. If you have a set day you’d like to come each week, please let me know, otherwise please sign up here for volunteer opportunities August – October 2016.

· If you are interested in supporting our class for monthly art lessons, please contact me. I would love 1-2 parents each month. We will generally have art on Fridays from 12:15-1:45. We will have our first art lesson today! Art is so much fun but runs much more smoothly when I have parent volunteers to assist students during the lessons. Anyone interested in helping with art this year?

· Calling all party planners!!! Do you like to plan parties, do crafts, love Pinterest? I am looking for a few parent volunteers who would like to take charge of planning our holiday party. We will have 3 parties this year. Our first party will be a holiday theme party on Tuesday, December 20th 12:15-2:45. Ideally I would like a few parents to take charge and plan as you wish. I have a small budget to start and we generally ask the families for donations (either items or money to support the fun). I usually ask parents to plan 4 stations containing a combination of art/craft (a possible holiday gift for a family member), a yummy treat, etc. I’m open to your crafty ideas. I do like to keep it simple, each station taking no more than 20-30 minutes.

Sunrise folders go home each Wednesday. Please sign any items in the “Sign & Return” side of the folder and have your child return their Sunrise folder no later than Friday each week. If you find you have received another student’s work by accident, please just send it back and I will make sure it gets sent home. I do make mistakes and I thank you for your patience and understanding!

Every Thursday students are dismissed at 1:55 for Early-out staff collaboration time.

Homework: I will check parent signatures every Friday on the homework agenda so if you forget to sign it during the week, please make sure to initial all days by Friday to indicate your child did their reading. They get credit each week for reading with your initials to verify they did the work. We will correct math in class each morning and the corrected math will go home in the Wednesday folder.

Another reminder about Accelerated Readers: On Wednesday you received your child’s Trimester 1 AR reading level and goal. Please help your child reach their goal by making sure their nightly reading homework is being completed with books within their reading level. The 25 minutes of nightly reading should be independent reading time where students are reading silently to themselves or reading aloud to someone but requiring very little help. If students are reading books in their level, they should require little assistance with decoding words and comprehending the text. Students have started taking quizzes in class and are on their way to reaching their trimester 1 goals! Goals are lower this trimester as students are learning this new level of accountability and responsibility. Go to to find books at your child’s level. Parents can sign up at Renaissance Home Connect to access information about your student’s progress and receive emails showing their quiz/test results. Instructions for this went home on Wednesday as well. Please use this feature if you would like updates. Looking up each student’s quiz scores is not something I have time to do each day. I will review progress towards goals in class with students as needed.

What are we learning this week?

Attached you will find an information sheet describing our learning goals in Language Arts for this week. Please read to find information on the reading strategies, skills, and vocabulary we will focus on. You will also find attached a list of spelling words as examples of the spelling patterns we will focus on this week.

In Math we will wrap up Chapter 1: Addition & Subtraction within 1,000. We will have our chapter test next week on Wednesday. Please visit the GoMath Think Central website if you’d like examples of our daily lessons for this chapter. There are games and other activities for the students to work on from home for extra practice. If your child loses their nightly math homework, it can be printed from this website as well.

In Social Studies we are studying Geography. We continue to learn about maps, map skills, landforms, and other geography terms. The students have completed a Geography Dictionary. They did beautiful work!

In Science we’re learning about Biomes. We’re exploring the desert, grasslands, temperate forest, tropical rain forest, and arctic region. We will focus on life cycles and animal and plant adaptations. We will begin working on a Biome Book.

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Samantha Casey
3rd Grade Teacher
A Track

Casey News August 22-26

Happy Friday 3rd Grade Families

Congratulations to Emma!!! She is our Student of Character this week. This month we are focusing on Responsibility. Responsible students come to class on time and are ready to work. They complete their homework, are accountable for their decisions, and are honest and trustworthy. Thank you Emma for being a Responsible Spartan!

Classroom Volunteers: This year I will use Sign-up Genius to manage our classroom volunteers. I will send 1 sign-up for each trimester. If you have a set day you’d like to come each week, please let me know, otherwise please sign up here for volunteer opportunities August – October 2016.

A note about Accelerated Readers: On Wednesday you will receive your child’s Trimester 1 AR reading level and goal. Please help your child reach their goal by making sure their nightly reading homework is being completed with books within their reading level. The 25 minutes of nightly reading should be independent reading time where students are reading silently to themselves or reading aloud to someone but requiring very little help. If students are reading books in their level, they should require little assistance with decoding words and comprehending the text. Students can begin taking quizzes on books after next Wednesday. Goals are lower this trimester as students are learning this new level of accountability and responsibility. Go to to find books at your child’s level. Parents can sign up at Renaissance Home Connect to access information about your student’s progress and receive emails showing their quiz/test results. Instructions for this will go home on Wednesday as well. Please use this feature if you would like updates. Looking up each student’s quiz scores is not something I have time to do each day. I will review progress towards goals in class with students as needed.

Sunrise folders go home each Wednesday. Please sign any items in the “Sign & Return” side of the folder and have your child return their Sunrise folder no later than Friday each week. If you find you have received another student’s work by accident, please just send it back and I will make sure it gets sent home. I do make mistakes and I thank you for your patience and understanding!

Every Thursday students are dismissed at 1:55 for Early-out staff collaboration time.

Homework: I will check parent signatures every Friday on the homework agenda so if you forget to sign it during the week, please make sure to initial all days by Friday to indicate your child did their reading. They get credit each week for reading with your initials to verify they did the work. We will correct math in class each morning and the corrected math will go home in the Wednesday folder.

What are we learning about?

Attached you will find an information sheet describing our learning goals in Language Arts for this week and next. Please read to find information on the reading strategies, skills, and vocabulary we will focus on. You will also find attached a list of spelling words as examples of the spelling patterns we will focus on over the next two weeks.

In Math we continue working on Chapter 1: Addition & Subtraction within 1,000. Please visit the GoMath Think Central website if you’d like examples of our daily lessons for this chapter. There are games and other activities for the students to work on from home for extra practice. If your child loses their nightly math homework, it can be printed from this website as well.

In Social Studies we are studying Geography. We continue to learn about maps, map skills, landforms, and other geography terms. The students have completed a Geography Dictionary. They did beautiful work!

In Science we’re learning about Biomes. We’re exploring the desert, grasslands, temperate forest, tropical rain forest, and arctic region. We will focus on life cycles and animal and plant adaptations. We will begin working on a Biome Book.

Have a wonderful weekend!!!
