Growth Mindset

Developing a Growth Mindset (All Ages)

What is a growth mindset?! The following are resources I have borrowed from other educators to create a collection of tools for teaching kids about having a growth mindset. This isn’t a step-by-step lesson to follow, rather a collection of resources that can be taught for weeks, adapted for school aged kids of any age. The idea behind the lessons… teach kids that intelligence can be developed by embracing challenges (perfect timing given the current state of our world), persisting in the face of setbacks, valuing effort, learning from and accepting criticism, and so much more!

People who embrace a GROWTH Mindset will often use the power in saying YET when talking about what they are learning to do. Just by placing the word YET at the end of any statement can sprout a GROWTH Mindset seed and the more you say it, the more you will benefit from it.

For example:

“I can’t do Math YET!”

“I  can’t ride a bike  YET!”

“I can’t read that book YET.”

Watch the video and learn how to sing along to the Sesame Street: Janelle Monae – Power of Yet

Yes, it’s Sesame Street, but not just for little kids. Watch it and learn!

So one of my favorite books for teaching growth mindset is the book Your Fantastic Elastic Brain, Stretch It, Shape It by JoAnn Deak. It is a great book to understand your brain and how you can stretch it, and grow your learning skills!

Read aloud “You Fantastic Elastic Brain” has many resources for adding to this book… weeks of learning!

Just search the title, there are FREE and paid resources. Email me if you want a paid one, I have a great packet but the file is too large to store on the blog.

There are so many resources out there on the topic of Growth Mindset, check out YouTube and Pinterest for other free resources!

YouTube Videos:

Growth Mindset Books:

I LOVE teaching this topic and hope you enjoy it as well! Let me know if you find any great resources!!!