3rd Grade Families,
Thank you for spoiling me for Teacher Appreciation week! Honestly, I feel so grateful I get to be a teacher! Some days are long (LOL) but I feel blessed to do the work I do and it means a lot to have such great students and families. I adore the handwritten notes, but what I treasure the most is being a small part of your child’s journey. Thank you!!!
Our student of character this week is Danny!!! Thank you for being a respectful Spartan!
Below are a few important dates to mark on your calendar:
- Friday, May 12th is PFO’s Jamba Juice sales after school.
- Please join us in the Sunrise library on Tuesday, May 16th for a PFO general board meeting at 3:00.
- Our May character awards assembly will be on Wednesday, May 17th at 9:10. We will recognize Andreya, Tommy, & Danny as our students of character for RESPECT!
- Open House: Please join us on Thursday, May 18th 5:00-6:00 PM in our classroom! Please be aware, I need to leave at 6:00 sharp so I can make it to my daughter’s school for her Open House. The Sunrise Art Gallery will be open for drop in between 5:00-6:30. PFO will also host a dinner night out. A flyer will come home soon with the location.
- Friday, May 19th is College T-shirt Day!
- Tuesday, May 23rd is a minimum day, track change day, and the spirit day is 80’s day (like totally RAD)! School is out at 12:45.
- Monday, May 29th is a holiday – no school. Happy Memorial Day!
- SBAC Testing May 30, 31 & June 1, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Please do not plan any vacations or appointments that would take you child out of school during this window.
- June
- June 8th, PFO will host a dinner night out. A flyer will come home soon with the location.
- Friday, June 16th is PFO’s Jamba Juice sales after school.
- Monday, June 19th is our June character awards assembly at 9:10. We will recognize our Students of Character who are being recognized as Super Spartans for all three R’s (Respectful, Responsible, Resilient)
- Trimester 3 Academic Awards will be Tuesday, June 20th at 8:40 AM. You will receive an invitation if your child will be receiving an award for the 3rd trimester.
- On Tuesday, June 20th following our academic awards assembly, please join us from 9:20-9:50 for “The Solar System Saga”, our final reader’s theatre of the year! It’s going to be OUT of this WORLD!
- 3rd Grade Field day will be Wednesday, June 21st 9-11:15 at Argonaut park. Students should wear sunscreen and hats to school as well as clothes they can play and get wet in.
- Our last day of school will be Friday, June 23rd! It is a minimum day, track change day, and school is out at 12:45. We will celebrate summer birthdays on this day so if you would like to bring a treat for your child to share please let me know so I can plan ahead.
Have a GREAT weekend and Happy Mother’s Day to all you amazing moms!!!!