Casey News: January 16-20, 2017

Happy Friday 3rd grade families,

Today we enjoyed another fun Harvest of the Month. Out HOTM featured fruit was KIWI. The students learned about the amazing nutritional benefits of Kiwi. We then got to observe the color, texture, smell and the best part… the taste! 100% of the students report they like KIWI. Did you know you can eat the skin? It’s full of fiber! Kiwi makes an easy and healthy snack. Just wash it really well and it’s an easy to grab snack since it can be eaten like an apple. Did you know kiwi can stay fresh at room temperature for 2 weeks and an amazing 6 weeks in the fridge! YAY for KIWI!!!

Class News
Since we’ve learned about how a democracy works in our studies of Government, each week for the remainder of the year the students will get to vote for our Student of Character by voting for the classmate they think is a student of character. We will have 3-4 candidates for our weekly election. The students will vote by writing a persuasive paragraph providing me evidence for why they’ve voted for the candidate of their choice. We will tally the votes and the person with the most votes will be the winner!

This week our class voted for Hannah!

Congratulations to Hannah!!! She is our Student of Character this week. This month we are focusing on Responsibility. Responsible students come to class on time and are ready to work. They complete their homework, are accountable for their decisions, and are honest and trustworthy. Thank you Hannah for being a Responsible Spartan!

Events and Reminders:
*NO school on Monday, January 16th.
*Dinner Night Out will be at Steve’s Pizza on January 18th! Proceeds go to support the Sunrise PFO!
*Family Skate Night is Tuesday, January 24th 6:00-8:00!
*Box Tops – bring in 20 Box Tops on February 2nd for a Ring Pop!
*Due to our fieldtrip on February 14th, we will not have a class Valentine’s Day party. The students will however have an opportunity to pass out Valentine’s cards to their friends. I have attached a class list and will also send one home with the students. If your child decides to bring in cards for the class, I ask they bring one for all of their classmates so nobody is left out.

*Please use the Home Connect feature to track your child’s progress towards reaching their AR goal. The link to Home Connect can be found on the Sunrise Elementary website or use this link:

*Would you like to volunteer in our classroom this trimester? If so, please use this SignUp Genius link to sign up:

We have a few fieldtrips planned in 2017. Please mark your calendar for these dates. More information will come home as we approach each trip:
*February 14, 2017: SHAPE – EGUSD Food Processing Plant
*February 21, 2017: Maidu Community Center – permission slips went home last week and are due January 18th!
*April 24, 2017: Sheldon High’s Advanced Theatre performance of Untitled Robin Hood Project

What are we learning in class?

In Math, we will conclude Chapter 7: Division Facts & Strategies by taking our test on Thursday. Our vocabulary sheet for this chapter went home last week and has been uploaded to our class blog. We will then begin Chapter 8: Fractions. The vocabulary sheet for this chapter was attached to the weekly email newsletter.

In ELA, we will being reading about how people can help animals to survive. We will focus mainly on expository text. Please see the attached information sheet for details on our objectives for this week. We are on WEEK 4.

In Social Studies, we continue learning about Native Americans. We will explore how American Indians developed their cultures and used the land to meet their needs. Students will receive the one and only home project of the year, finding facts and information about a chosen tribe. Information went home with details for this project last week. Students have until Friday to complete a graphic organizer, pamphlet, and make an artifact. All details and the rubric were provided in the packet for the students. This project is due FRIDAY, January 20th.

In Science, we continue learning about Environment Change. We will explore how changes to environments affect living things. We will talk about pollution, reduce/reuse/recycle, and other vocabulary related to environmental change.

Hope you enjoy a nice 3 day weekend!

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