Casey News: Sept. 19-23, 2016



Happy Friday 3rd Grade Families,

This month we are focusing on the character trait of being Resilient.

  • I will work to solve problems.
  • I will challenge myself.
  • I will persevere and be patient.
  • I will do my best.

Congratulations to Andreya!!! She is our Student of Character this week.

Information & Reminders:

  • Library Monday
  • PFO Dinner out is Tuesday 5-8 at the clubhouse
  • Picture Make-up day is Wednesday
  • PE Wednesday & Friday – Please note: PE days are subject to change. Students should wear shoes they can be active in each day.
  • On Friday we get to attend an on campus fieldtrip to the Crocker Art Truck! The Crocker’s Art Ark, a mobile art education center designed for students in pre-K through 8th grades, brings original works of art and activities to schools throughout the region. On the road with different exhibitions since 1980, the Art Ark is distinguished in the nation as one of the first mobile art museums and one of the few to include hands-on learning.
  • PFO Jamba Juice on Friday

Classroom Volunteers: Please sign up here for volunteer opportunities August – October 2016.

What are we learning this week?

Attached you will find an information sheet describing our learning goals in Language Arts for the next two weeks. Please read to find information on the reading strategies, skills, and vocabulary we will focus on. On the blog you can find a list of spelling words as examples of the spelling patterns we will focus on. This list had also been provided in your child’s homework binder. We are on Week 3 of spelling.

In Math we will begin Chapter 3: Understanding Multiplication. Please see the attached vocabulary sheet as a reference for our learning goals for this chapter. You can visit the GoMath Think Central website if you’d like examples of our daily lessons for this chapter. There are games and other activities for the students to work on from home for extra practice. If your child loses their nightly math homework, it can be printed from this website as well.

In Social Studies we are studying Geography. We continue to learn about maps, map skills, landforms, and other geography terms.

In Science we’re learning about Biomes. We’re exploring the desert, grasslands, temperate forest, tropical rain forest, and arctic region. We will focus on life cycles and animal and plant adaptations. We continue our work on our Biome Books.

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