Spelling – #11-20 Meaningful sentences
Math – 2-2 HWPB #1-9
ELA – Ditto on pronouns, both sides
Reading – TBH Sticky Notes pgs. 38-39
To download:
Spelling – #11-20 Meaningful sentences
Math – 2-2 HWPB #1-9
ELA – Ditto on pronouns, both sides
Reading – TBH Sticky Notes pgs. 38-39
To download:
Spelling – #1-10 Write meaningful sentences for each
Math – 2-1 HWPB, #1-10
Reading – Sticky Notes pg. 36-37
ELA – Practice Sentence Variety:
1) Edith purchased clothes at Arden Fair Mall.
2) Dillon caught fish on the American River.
3) Elexis ate dinner on The Delta King.
To download:
HWAS Week 3 Trimester 1
Math – TBH Pg. 31 Set D #1-10 Show work on binder paper
ELA – Ditto on nouns, both sides
Sentence Variety practice
Example: Mrs. Avey welcomes students in front of the school.
Start with (-ly) Warmly, Mrs. Avey welcomes students in front of the school.
Start with (-ing) Welcoming students in front the school, Mrs. Avey shakes their hands.
Start with (-where) In front of the school, Mrs. Avey welcomes students.
1) Mr. Karl teaches PowerPoint in the computer lab.
2) Mrs. Fong supervises students in the cafeteria.
Math – TBH pg. 25 #1-15 Show work on binder paper
Reading – Sticky Notes on pgs. 30-33
ELA – Ditto on nouns, both sides.
Practice Sentence Variety
1) Mr. K played soccer at Arco Arena.
2) Chelsea ate frozen yogurt on her front porch.
3) Justin finished his homework at the library.
Reading – Sticky Notes, pgs. 27-29
Math – HWPB 1-6 ALL except 14,15 (Show work on binder paper)
ELA – Ditto on NOUNS, Do both sides.
To download:
Nouns pg. 182 Ditto Side 1
Nouns pg. 183 Ditto Side 2
Spelling – SVS pg. 4-5
Math – 1-4 HWPB #1-8
Reading –
1) Vocabulary Sentences, write a meaningful sentence for the following words: campaign, election, confidence, represent, candidate. Definitions are in your Reading Folder.
2) Sticky Notes – Pgs. 22-23 Please use your notes and the examples on pgs. 20-21 to assist you.
Notes on “Sticky Notes”
Spelling – #11-20 Meaningful sentences
ELA – Extending sentences:
1) Our class walked.
2) Mr. Alfonso graded homework.
3) The seal clapped his fins.
Spelling – #1-10 Meaningful sentences
Math – 1-3 HWPB #1-12
ELA – Extending Sentences
1) The dog ran.
2) The baby cried.
3) The mother sang
To download:
Math – 1-1 Homework Practice Book (HWPB)
And no, HWPB does not stand for Honey Walnut Peanut Butter.
Other – Cover those books (Reading or Math)
I apologize for posting the HWAS late. Tonight was our family night.
No homework for Spelling, Reading, Math, or ELA
Other – Cover your MATH book or OPEN COURT book
Complete Dream, Believe, Achieve form
Read 30 minutes. Get it initialed on your reading log.
Homework Assignment Sheet
Dream, Believe, and Achieve form