HWAS Thurs. 09/02/10

Spelling – SVS pg. 8-9
Math – 2-4 #1-12 HWPB Show work
Reading – Sticky Notes on pgs. 42 – end. Comprehension Skills ditto.
ELA – Practice Sentence Variety:

1) My parents danced at the Valentine’s Dance.
2) Victoria bought a new backpack at Target.

Six sentences each. (Start with an adverb, a verb, where. Write an exclamatory and interrogative sentence and one with dialogue.)

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Comprehension Skills

HWAS Wed. 09/01/10

Reading – Sticky Notes pgs. 40-41
Vocabulary sentences for the following words:
players, match, athletic, energy, commotion, contest
Math – 2-3 HWPB #1-14
ELA -Ditto on pronouns, both sides

Mr. Alfonso said, “Sorry Tayla that it took so long. I’ll give you more time to copy the notes and complete.”

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View more presentations from Rudy Alfonso.

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