HWAS Wed. 09/29/10

Math – TBH pg. 153 #1-19 Show work on binder paper.
Reading – Comprehension Skills
ELA – Before/After Paragraph:

The Muhammed family decided to go to Disneyland right before Halloween. Everything was decorated in black, orange, and purple. Ansar and his six sisters got to take pictures with Mickey Mouse. Imani got sick riding “It’s A Small World.” Ansar rode the Space Mountain ride dozens of times. Pirates of the Caribbean was their favorite. Ansar and his family had a great time.

Use -ly, -ing, -where, ” “, !, ?, add additional details/info, vocabulary, AND similes and metaphors.

To download:
Comprehension Skills (Sorry Tayla, I printed it. I forgot to give it to you)

HWAS Mon. 09/27/10

Spelling – #1-10 Meaningful Sentences
Math – 4-9 HWPB #1-11 Odds. Show work.
Reading – Standards Ditto – First side only
ELA – Sentence Variety Homework:

1) Breanna took school pictures in the Multipurpose Room.
2) Susie sang for an audition at Arden Fair Mall.

Give me sentences that start with adverbs, verbs, where, dialogue, exclamation points, and questions.

Math Notes:

4 9

View more presentations from Rudy Alfonso.

To Download:
This week’s Homework Assignment Sheet

HWAS Thurs. 09/23/10

Spelling – SVS pg. 20-21
Math – 4-7 HWPB #1-24 Show work on binder paper
Reading – Sticky Notes on pgs. 94- end
ELA – Before/After Paragraph

A’shaun visited the Jelly Belly Factory in Vallejo this weekend. He took his family. They took a tour of the jelly bean making process. After the tour, they received free samples of many flavors. Some of A’shaun’s family got sick from too many jelly beans. Some of his family ran around in circles. They had a good time.

AFTER: (Use -ly, -ing, -where, dialogue, exclamatory, interrogative) add more detail/info.)