Spelling – 2nd Half, Meaningful sentences
Reading – Vocabulary sentences, Sticky Notes pgs. 570-572
Math – TBH pg. 476 Independent Practice, 6 – 13, HWPB 11-9 #1-6
Show work on binder paper for BOTH assignments
Spelling – 2nd Half, Meaningful sentences
Reading – Vocabulary sentences, Sticky Notes pgs. 570-572
Math – TBH pg. 476 Independent Practice, 6 – 13, HWPB 11-9 #1-6
Show work on binder paper for BOTH assignments
I had a mentor named buffy the clown he taught me how to be funny.
One time I was in the desert and I saw a clown in a mirage.
One time I saw a clown playing croquet a year ago it was funny.
Once I saw a clown wearing a collage of colors.
There is a cafe called LA BOU and it is very small and a clown drove his car but it didn’t fit LA BOU was to small for the miniture car.
A clown was playing a cassette in his car and he was singing.
Why would a clown be a wedding bouquet thrower?
I saw a clown walking down Stockton boulevard.
There was a blond clown in the store buying eggs.
A clown is a chef before they are funny.
My mom berreted me for leaving a sock lying on the floor.
I recognized trouble when I saw it.
Mr.Alfonso gave us a tough riddle.
Instead of healers we have doctors
My mom had the perfect remety for the flu.
I pitty Mr.T for being mean.
Sticky Notes… (When Shlemiel Went To Warsaw)
EM~ Astonished, confused,and puzzled.
PR~ S thinks that there are two Chelms.
EM~ Satisfaction
ME~ He finds his family.
FYI~ Mrs.S scolds S.
FYI~ Many people yell at him. He argues back.