HWAS Thurs. 01/27/11

Spelling – SVS pg. 40-41 in case you forgot.
Reading/ELA – TBH Graphic on “From the Brains to Tail” and complete the Comprehension Skills Ditto.
Math – 7-11 HWPB 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 Show work on the same binder paper from the night before. SAVE PAPER!
Other – Wear Spirit Wear, Blue and White OR “Dress up like a NERD”

One thought on “HWAS Thurs. 01/27/11

  1. Comprehension Skills
    1:A Gift From The Great spirit.
    1/2: The main idea of pg.407 is the three buffalo legends.
    2:The first because it tells about the horses and how they got their.
    3:I can’t find it in the pg it tells me to look in.
    4:Every able-bodied boy was taught that he should become a fearless hunter and warrior,A successful hunter could provide for many people.
    5:A full-grown bull stood six feet tall at the humped shoulders and weighed a ton or more.An angry bull could stab a bear to death.
    6:[Women] main idea detail 1 Its was a Women were responsible to skin and butcher the buffalo. Detail 2 to preserve the meat from the skin. Detail 3 and to tan the hides.
    7:The main idea is about how they were getting ready for the hunt.
    8:The main idea was how after the morning meal they started to gather everyone to leave for the hunt.
    9:I predict that its going to tell me how they started to disappear.

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