Spelling – #11-20 Meaningful sentences.
Reading – Sticky Notes pgs.195-196
Math – TBH pg. 205 Set E 1-4 Set 4 1-4. Show work on binder paper and double check answer.
Spelling – #11-20 Meaningful sentences.
Reading – Sticky Notes pgs.195-196
Math – TBH pg. 205 Set E 1-4 Set 4 1-4. Show work on binder paper and double check answer.
SVS pg.64-65
1. artist 2. parcel 3. market 4. starve 5. barber 6. target 7. guitar
8. garbage 9. cardboard 10. correct 11. mortal 12. afford 13. normal
14. orbit 15. force 16. import 17. pour 18. adore 19. doorbell 20. warm
21. adore 22. afford 23. artist 24. barber 25. cardboard 26. correct
27. force 28. garbage 29. guitar 30. import 30. market 31. mortal
32. normal 33. orbit 34. parcel 35. pour 36. starve 37. target 38.warm
41. starve 42. barber 43. artist 44. guitar 45. market 46. doorbell
Hi Mr.A I’m at a new school now so I’m just checking in. I’m going to visit in december =). I have be learning more an getting good greades like “B’s”. I think that their better than what I Had in 5th grade. What do you think. Messege me at my gmail {greg.gipson@gmail.com} .
Hi Mr.Alfonso I wish i can stay in the best classroom i ever had and i made one move but that was a new thing for me to learn thanks for what you did.