One thought on “HWAS Mon. 06/07/10

  1. 1.For breakfast I ate a bagel with cream cheese.
    2.I saw a ballerina at the Nutcracker.
    3.I looked up the word gusto.
    4.The skirt was khaki.
    5.I love macaroni and cheese at lunch.
    6.She applied her mascara carefully.
    7.He was dressed in a parka along with a pair of gloves.
    8.I wish I could go on a safari.
    9.He closed his eyes as he entered the sauna.
    10.Every one disliked the tycoon.
    11.We hid under the veranda hoping we wouldn’t be found.
    12.We went to Tops Yogurt and ate some yogurt.
    13.She used karate on him and he ran away crying.
    14.The boomerang went so fast that it nearly shaved his head!
    15.Now the pizza place serves pasta.
    16.We watched as he scattered the pepperoni on the pizza.
    17.They danced the polka happily.
    18.I always ask for Chef Boyardee’s ravioli.
    19.The warm, delicious pizza waited in the box.
    20.She watched the opera silently waiting for something to happen.

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