Spelling – 2nd Half, Meaningful Sentences
Reading – Sticky Notes on pgs. 526-529, Vocabulary Sentences
Math – HWPB 10-3 and 10-5
ELA – Writing Stamina – TOPIC: Batman and Scooby-Doo are stuck in an elevator….
Spelling – 2nd Half, Meaningful Sentences
Reading – Sticky Notes on pgs. 526-529, Vocabulary Sentences
Math – HWPB 10-3 and 10-5
ELA – Writing Stamina – TOPIC: Batman and Scooby-Doo are stuck in an elevator….
11. My dentist is mean because he tells me when he’s going to drill on my teeth and I get scared.
12. Doctor Seites is a good doctor because he is very straight forward with you.
13. I can hear the rats gnaw on the wood in the attic.
14. Mr. Alfonso wants us to be simple in our introductions.
15. Our dog is terribly afraid of the vacuum because of the loud noise and his sensitive ears.
16. People do not always like easy terrain when their hiking.
17. Mr. Alfonso is a well recognized teacher thoughout the district.
18. The amount of homework Mr. Alfonso gives his class is monstrous.
19. It is miraculous that I finish my homework every night.
20. My mom had a temporary job when her job laid her off.
FYI Captain Shack and his men are in the polar ice caps
PR The ships hull is sinking after a month
ST South pole cold,wind,ice caps breaking apart,and rough seas and person in tent #4 almost died
FYI Cloths were worn thin and greasy they rubbed aginst mens skin
Me traveling in little boats accross rough seas
PR his men couldn’t endure the gruling 700 mile trip
FYI The little boats went up and down and made the men seasick
Scooby doo where are you in an elevator with Batman. OK!
YOUR GONNA LEAVE ME WITH HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why not, were getting chased by a gohst AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! HELP!?!
I’ll use my bat saw and it worked they got out.
They had to climb 8 stories up to get out, they were on the roof.
So they took the stairs to their seprate shows.