Spelling – 1st Half, Meaningful Sentences – Use Sentence Variety
Reading – TBH Sticky Notes, pg. 522-525
Math – HWPB 10-1 and 10-2
Science – Remember that 97% of all water is SALT WATER. Of the remaining 3%, 2% is frozen fresh water and ONLY 1% of fresh water is liquid.
1.Quickly, I looked up transistor in the dictionary.
2.In my book, the girl wanted to transfer schools.
3.On a commercial the guy sang sadly,” F-R-E-E creditreport.com baby.”.
4.“The director has to record what the writer says to!”, commanded Melissa.
5.Proudly, I could hear the class applaud after my movie finished.
6.Nervously, I sang loudly for my audition.
7.At the hotel, the hospitality was great!
8.At home, my brother said faculty is a hard word to pronounce.
9.When playing with animals I think I am an animal person.
10. On a ship, you need a captain.
PR- The ship was breaking.
CH- Sir Ernest Shackleton, Shack.
EM- Concerned.
EM- Sad.
ME- the ship disappears beneath the ice.
EM- startled, frightned.
ME- they couldn’t get to open water.
1. We had a transistor radio when I was 3 years old in case of an emergency.
2. When the end of the year came in 2nd grade I had to transfer from Anna Kirchagator to David Reese.
3. A couple of days ago in class, Mr. Alfonso told us that he has only had one credit card in his whole life.
4. My dad had the James Brown record “Payback” and I scratched it.
5. At the SEVA’s, we must applaud our fellow film directors, actors and actresses.
6. Randy, Simon and Ellen are the judges of the auditions for American Idol.
7. Hospitality is something that all families should have, because it makes them respectable.
8. Everyone who works at David Reese is a part of the faculty.
9. My favorite animal is a zebra because of the elegant stripes.
10. Captain Shackleton’s only concern was for his men’s safety.
11.dentist-My tooth was hurting when I chewed so I went to the dentist.
12.doctor-My cousin got into a car accident and broke his arm so he had to see the doctor.
13.gnaw-The dog gnawed on his bone.
14.introduction- I had a introduction in my movie.
15.vacuum-When my mom cleans the house she uses the vacuum.
16.terrain-When we were on the boat I saw a beautiful terrain full of trees and tiny people.
17.recognized-One time I visited my friends house and my friend answered the door and she recognized me.
18.monstrous-One day I saw two monstrous dogs they had big teeth and re eyes so Iran inside so they would not get me.
19.miraculous-The magician did a miraculous trick of disappearing that dove.
20.temporary- The medicine I took from the nurse was only temporary.
Terrain-When we were on the boat I saw a beautiful terrain full of trees and tiny people.
Ration- Long time ago during the war people had to ration food in case of food storage.
Explore-When I go camping I usually explore around.
Voyage-My explorer John Henry Cabot went on a long voyage.
Endurance-Doing the pacer I put a lot of endurance of staying in.
One day batman got a job at a office building. His friend had a dog. His friends dog’s name was scooby-doo. One day batman went into the elevator and his friend brought his dog. His friend’s dog ran into the elevator with batman. As they were waiting to get down the lobby the elevator broke down. So it was just batman and scooby-doo stuck in the elevator. It was three hours in the elevator and scooby-doo and batman were so……….
11. I heard a high-pitched scream at the dentist, turns out it came from a grown man.
12.When I am sick I feel gross, so I go to the doctor.
13. I saw rats and mice gnaw threw ropes that trapped them.
14.We watched the introduction for the movie.
15.My sister feels scared of the vacuum.
16.One of our spelling words is terrain, I feel it is a hard word.
17.I wouldn’t have recognized my sister with her hair curly, but she said it was her.
18.For Halloween I feel like being a monstrous dinosaur.
19.“That’s miraculous!” said my cousin
20.I like temporary tattoos.
FYI- The men smelled terrible.
PR- The men are hungry.
ME/PR- Ernie was in the water, with no boat! Just floating in a sleeping bag.
PS- S pulls him out.
PR- The men were sea sick when the were in the boats.
ME/PS- They make it to Elephant Island!
1. I thought the terrain was going to be easy.
2. On our trip we needed to ration our food until we got to Disney Land.
3. My explorer was Vasco De Gama.
4. I wish I could go on a voyage.
5. It takes endurance to walk 3 miles.
11. My dentist is mean because he tells me when he’s going to drill on my teeth and I get scared.
12. Doctor Seites is a good doctor because he is very straight forward with you.
13. I can hear the rats gnaw on the wood in the attic.
14. Mr. Alfonso wants us to be simple in our introductions.
15. Our dog is terribly afraid of the vacuum because of the loud noise and his sensitive ears.
16. People do not always like easy terrain when their hiking.
17. Mr. Alfonso is a well recognized teacher thoughout the district.
18. The amount of homework Mr. Alfonso gives his class is monstrous.
19. It is miraculous that I finish my homework every night.
20. My mom had a temporary job when her job laid her off.